vanessa paradis Club
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added by johnnydlover
added by MarieJena
added by MarieJena
posted by MarieJena
Best translation so far:

First impressive photograph revealed for this long length third of Mabrouk El Mechri, director of JCVD. Greasy hair, Vanessa Paradis is there presented in the situation of a resumption of justice. And with good reason: she interpretes in the film, Ali, a wise expatriot woman of New York which must fulfill a big penalty after pulling on the small toe of the maitress of her husband! (Not sure what this means. could Maitress be Mistress?)
Michael Madsen will be Harry, a lender who guarantees which must be in charge of its baby after the death of his wife. This last offers Ali a loan, in exchange that she will be in charge of the child... A very simple scenario which could give a good film barge as El Mechri likes them.
added by onemoresoul
added by johnnydlover
added by PrincessFairy
vanessa paradis
vanessa paradis
natural high
música video
added by onemoresoul
added by onemoresoul
vanessa paradis
vanessa paradis
chet baker
matthieu chedid
added by no-futur
added by MarieJena
added by onemoresoul
added by onemoresoul
added by onemoresoul
added by onemoresoul
added by onemoresoul
added by johnnydlover
added by johnnydlover
added by DepplyinLove