Vampire Knight - Yuki + Kaname Club
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added by EmoSasuSaku
added by Aubreykarew
Source: deviant art por demon angel wings
added by EmoSasuSaku
added by SakuraHime
added by RikanaShizuka
added by RikanaShizuka
added by mexame13
added by Aubreykarew
Source: deviant art por yor rukia
added by rupsa
kaname kuran
yuuki cruz
added by TinaNgavavia21
added by MadHatter45
added by EmoSasuSaku
added by vampireknightmp
posted by rupsa
The trio-romance of Vampire Knight makes it most popular. Specially the amor frases of this animê series.

But all I amor is the frases which comes from the lips of Kaname Kuran.
Here is some of my Favourite Romantic quotes. I think these are the most fabulous romantic frases ever~
(All frases are said to or about yuki)

1) “I’ve never actually said it aloud to you, but you do know, Yuki. I amor you mais than anyone. If it were at all possible, I would take them away from you – all your fears and anxieties.”

2) “Will you become a monster that devours blood and live the long flow of time...
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