Urban Legends Club
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added by Cinders
Source: http://www.photoshoptalent.com/photoshop-contest/603/1
added by Puppetmaster111
Source: Me
added by Cinders
Source: Victor Surge @ Something Aweful Forums
urban legends
topo, início 20
added by chiara77
added by Makeupdiva
urban legends
the mothman
Okay so, lately I've heard a story of which some say is an urban legend, but some say it actually happened('cuz it was a copy-cat of the urban legend or something). Anyways, this creeps me out just thinking of it...

A girl was baby sitting at a house. The parents went out for dinner. The husband had a promotion and they were out to celebrate it. The girl had to babysit two kids, two boys from five and three years old. Because the youngest had a nightmare the night before, the kids were allowed to sleep in their parents' bed. The parents went out for dinner, and the girl brought the kids to bed....
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oi guys, I really amor amor amor demons, ghosts, and writing. Oh, writing!! Can never get better than writing!! Anyway, I've never made a fã fic before. Ever. So, you're going to have to urso with me on this; I'm inexperienced here, and I apologize in advance. But I have a feeling I might be able to make something worth reading. Maybe. Read it anyway and I'll amor you forever!!! Can u all do me a favor, plz? Comment on how you liked the story, and if you didn't/saw something wrong with it, what was wrong with it? I just want to make it better for seguinte time. Thanks!

Susan, recently divorced,...
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She shook in terror at the great surprise the empty hallway gave her.

"I could have sworn there was someone following me..." she mumbled to herself. "I guess it's just one of those things."

Not being able to sleep in her room, Alex just laid in her cama and stared at the ceiling. Her room was pitch black, but she could see the general shape of some things in black and white. The girl was a thinker, and she thought up a plan. A crazy plan in her head to find out how to mover back to Cleveland, Ohio. She would think up a list of why Cleveland was better than this rotten stinkhole and she would show...
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People go to Scott land all the time just because of a monster in the lake named "nessie" Nessie is a creature that lived when the earth was changing, most likely a dinosaur that adapted to water. It is possible for a mammal to adapt to water. As long as they go in the water take a deep breathe for at least twenty minutos then come back up. Mammals have to do that for a least a billion years. Then it will become a sea creature. That's just a theory though. It may or may not be true. Do you believe?
posted by smileypop9
I found some urban legends online.
I'm gonna post some of them :)
This is 'Skinned Tom':

IN LIFE, Tom was a good-looking guy who liked the ladies. Once he'd dated all the available girls in the area, he started seeing a girl in the seguinte town -- not knowing she was married. Eventually her husband got wind of what was going on and vowed revenge on the two of them. He told his wife he was going out of town for the weekend, then hid in the woods behind their house. As he'd guessed, that evening Tom showed up to take the lady out. The husband followed them to the nearby Lovers' Lane.

Things were getting...
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urban legends
topo, início 20
added by Cinders
Source: http://www.photoshoptalent.com/photoshop-contest/603/1
added by Cinders
Source: http://www.photoshoptalent.com/photoshop-contest/603/1
added by Cinders
Source: http://www.photoshoptalent.com/photoshop-contest/603/1
added by Cinders
Source: http://www.photoshoptalent.com/photoshop-contest/603/1
added by Cinders
Source: http://www.photoshoptalent.com/photoshop-contest/603/1