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posted by uniquezandy
A pair of twins never been seperated since birth
L oved? mais like hated through their village
E very villiger was afraid of them
C an they find someone who would treat them nice?

A couple years later, people in the village started to burn anyone who possesed evil in them. People thought witches were around and needed to get the evil away from them
N o one stuck up for Alec and Jane when they were accused
D ays went past. One dia they were almost burnt at the stake

J ust before that could happen, there was darkness and screams.
A nyone here?
N o, but when they opened their eyes, they felt different....
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posted by uniquezandy
Bellas POV
Weeks passed. My friendship grew stronger with Edward and nothing could come between us. But sometimes I feel like I want to ask him out por now because so far; nothing really has happened. And it's true. But sometimes, there were these arkward moments leading up to, (where I would've thought); he would ask me out. Every time that happened... dissapointment. I am a big chicken, I can't even ask him out! Why must it be this hard. In my fantasia it's easy, but that is why they call it fantasy!
Today it was free period, so it meant all the dancers could go in the freestyling room to just...
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Crystals POV
Boredom is so great don't you think? If you noticed you would have detected sarcasm in my voice. I'm now leitura a book I lost intrest 10 minutos ago; in the library. No one is talking to me. I overheard an argument in hushed tones por twin 1 and 2. "Brother why are you so mean to her? Your job is to protect her. Not bully her you idiot!" Jane argued. Jane was sticking up for me? I can tell which twin I will like more. But after all the craziness that has happened, I don't need anyone's sympathy.
"I'm not rude. I just don't want to talk to her, after what hapened years ago. Don't...
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Crystal's POV
The last thing I remember was everything going black. I was in the woods till these 'Volturi' vampiros came. For a second, I thought I would die (again). But death has been proven to be less painful. Slowly, I opened my eyes to find me sitting on a plane. "What the hell?" I asked dizzily. The vampire that looked like the girl, turned and smiled. "Good your up." He stated. What was he talking about? "Relax Crystal, I'm Alec and we are on our way to Italy." He informed. I stared at him opened mouth. Was he serious? Italy? Felix was laughing at me like there was no tommorow. "Yeah...
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posted by uniquezandy
Bellas POV
I can't believe the biggest jerk in school is my dance partenar. To make matters worse: it's tango! Tango is normally done por couples. I hate him and he hates me. It all started when he secrectly made a bet with his friend, that we would go out and be a couple, to prove he can go out with any girl. When I found out; I was livid, that I never knew spoke to him again. I thought he liked me; I was a fool for making that mistake.
It started in Gym. We all gathered for the announcement Mrs Kane made. "Now in gym, we will be doing something different. Each semester we wil be learning different...
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posted by uniquezandy
Meet, Bella and Edward. They both Attend Forks high school, but have very different personalities. And another thing: they can't stand eachother. Nobody, knew why they hated eachother. In Forks, it's a small town and gossip can spread fast. When they were younger, they were the best of friends. They told eachother everything. But then... all that changed and they grew up. They started seeing new people and stopped seeing eachother. How sad. They did have the same friends though. There was, Alice, Jasper, Rosalie and Emmett. All of them knew, deep down that they should be together. So they descided...
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posted by uniquezandy
Edwards POV
I couldn't help, but stare into her eyes the minuto we were so close together. Her warm brown eyes; have such depth. 1...2...3 and go! We started moving to a waltz. It was cisne lake. The moment we started moving, it felt like a reherse dance for strictly come dancing or something. It was in time and somehow, we knew what to do. It was easy to lead her, and I did a few turns and dips. "Ok stop what you are doing, now one por one each show me your dance." Mrs Dane instructed. "Edward and Bella, you two, go first."
Eventhough, Bella wasn't shy about dancing she somehow got really nervous....
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posted by uniquezandy
Bella's POV
I read Romeo and Juilet like 1000 times. But why am I so nervous? Was it that atuação was a new thing for me? Or was it that I am afraid people will laugh if I mess up? In my mind probably a bit of both. The good thing is I am doing this with Edward. He promised me; that he will guide me through it. Lets hope it will work. We done mais and mais rehersals as time went by. I learned my lines a little better, (thank you Edward,) and I am not scared. But when it's time, seeing the curtains go up and all the people staring... I hope I don't faint or drop dead. To ease my mind Edward was...
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posted by uniquezandy
Edwards POV

As weeks drawn on, we got started rehersing. All my loyal brothers and sisters were there to support me (eventhough they were going to burst out laughing!) But I couldn't take my eyes off Bella, she was wearing a beautiful costume that made me stop and smile. She gave me a weak smile and a quick kiss and whispered "I can do this. Please help me." I replied in a whisper; " will do my love." That made her giggle, if she was happy, I was happy. So we started rehersing the lines "but soft through light, yonder window breaks, it is the east and Juilet is the sun." That made her have...
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Bellas POV
I am at school just like normal. I've been mainly chatting to my friends; but they got their own lives and boyfriends. And yet- I haven't got one. I am perfectly fine with that; but I can't help wondering what it would be like if I had one. Mike is just a good friend, so is Tyler and all the other guys at school, but Edward... was different. I met him on my first dia in class, (in bio,) cause we are parteners. But I don't know because we are kinda rivals in a way because he hates me for some reason. I done nothing to him, but he judges me before he even knows me. He doesn't speak...
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Everyone, was having a realaxed dia at the Cullens house until, Emmetts voice boomed; "We have an ivitation for all the Cullen kids to spend a night at a haunted mansion and we can bring one guest!" Everbody was thinking until Edward spoke, "if we all go can Bella be our guest?" No one could argue with that as each of them had their partener anyway. But Bellas face turn a bit pale, "Edward I don't know a haunted house? I am not sure." As always Edward was the Valente one to speak and answered, "if anything happens I will protect you ok? Nothing will happen to you." Then both of them had a smile...
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katherines pov
The Salvators are putty in my hands. What is tragic, is I have, the brother who loved me too much, (Damon;) but the problem is I amor the brother, who never loved me enough, (which is obviously Stefan.) I don't believe him when he said, "and all those feelings, soon turned to hate." He is just denying that he is in amor with me. He is and I can tell but; I've got a huge problem on my hands. Elena:My boring look-alike. Stefan, had to pick her and they are so in love. Now I'm the type to get what I want; so I am going to take an opportunity , where I could break them up. It is...
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Bellas POV
Well the dia finally came. Alice helped me with my costume after school, and she gave me a colar to wear for confidence. She is the sweetest! I gave her a massive hug to say thanks. To me; Alice is a great sis through everything, and she always helps me.(Or tries!) Edward then arrived at my house in his costume. He looks like Romeo, but it is a really weird costume. He found it funny as well, so I giggled at it as a joke.
Then he asked "Ready to go Juilet?" So I played along and curtursed and said, "Why of course Romeo." So we got in his shiny volo and he drove to school. We were...
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Edwards Pov
I just can't get Bella out of my head! I can't stop thinking about her! The way we danced, and moved together and fitted together.It was like... we meant to be together. If only our families didn't hate eachother. When we got back , the segundo I tried to mention it; they hated the thought. And today we had a family meeting. Why must fate do this to me? It's so not fair...
" You know the past..." Esme began. Oh no! Here it comes. I can feel it. " Edward danced with Bella cisne last night and you know the history Edward." Carlise stepped in. All my siblins just stared at me. It's so...
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Edwards POV
Aggh another wedding! This is going to be fun(!) Tanya from the Denali coven is having a huge wedding and is inviting everyone from the town! And I thought Rosalie likes doing things big, but when I asked her what she thought she replied, "it's way mais exstravagant for my taste." Best dressed; like all my family, and we were off. Finally, Tanya was marrying someone so she can stop flirting with me and get off my back. I am fine on my own.

After the wedding we went all out for a moonlit dance under the stars and that was when I saw her... I walked over to her and asked "would you...
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Edwards pov
There was something about her; that made me feel different. When we are parteners in everything; she hates it. I think she is hiding the fact that secretly she likes it. I am Edward Cullen and I am parterners with Bella cisne for everything. She isn't so bad. But today; she lost it, when the teacher said these words...

(Drama teacher) "As you know; there will be a play soon. It's going to be Romeo and Juilet. We decided that this ano the roles go to... Bella and Edward." She smiled. Bella groaned. I don't really understand her problem. I am nice to her; when we work together. (And...
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posted by uniquezandy
Marie's POV
Hi. I am not very good at introductions people so please bere with me. My name is Marie Swan. Everyone knows me as Bellas sister. I guess I'm her twin, but we are nothing alike. We are too different. If you have seen her, and then me, you would straight away tell our personalities, so I will put you out of your misery and won't bore with with too much. But on with my story.. it begins one day...

"Uggh why can't my sister just pick one? I mean I'd be luky to have two guys falling for me and battle out. But this has gone on too long." I moned. I was in the garden with my bestest friend...
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posted by uniquezandy
Edwards POV
Closer and closer, the thing was lurking around. I started to panick, so I quickly jumped on the branch; of the tree. But as I turned around, the she devil, (with laranja hair,) suddenly appeared. "You are playing games with me Edward, where is the human?" Victoria asked mysteriously. "I don't know." I yelled. "Well, give me what I want, or it's Bellas life that would pay." She warned. I felt so mad when she said it. "Harm her and I will kill you." I warned back. The thing she wants, is a family herloom, what she can do with it, could be lethal. She vanished finally. What could I...
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posted by uniquezandy
Bellas POV
Why am I in amor with him? He doesn't really know me! Edward Cullen has been my neighbour for the whole of my exsistence. And up until now; I've been falling for him. It's like spiderman.
I just wish, he feels the same way because he is the most beautiful creature I have seen. He is a caring neighbour , to me , my mum and my dad. We are really lucky to have him and his family, because we are all really close, (they are my segundo family.)
Even my mum is getting really curious, because it was breakfast time she was asking, "Why don't you ask Edward out because you always behave differently...
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posted by uniquezandy
This is a story where I added myself in.Yes, I am the vampwolf! Hope u like it.

"She can't stay with us because she is part vampire!" The Quiliets protested. "The problem is she can't stay with us, being part Werewolf. Could she?" The clan threw back. "Hello, don't I get a say in this. You are deciding for me, like I am something to pass around and throw out when you get bored!" Marie-louise shouted. Hi, I am Marie-louise, sadly I am with the Denali clan at the moment and they...
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