unicórnios Club
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posted by elsafan1010
We all amor unicorns. They've always been a part of me. I have believed in them since I was a child. And they are so special to me that I have added a fotografia of a unicorn and a mermaid to my perfil page. Have you ever thought about what a unicorn eats? Yes, most of us want a unicorn without knowing it. But let's say what are you going to feed your unicorn? Everyone has a different answer to this, for example my sister thinks that unicórnios eat "slime", but some people might think that these creatures eat donuts. I used to say "slime" or glitter, which I amor very much, but now I am composição literária you...
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Hello everyone. unicórnios have always been my favorito mythical creature. I've even kept a notebook about them since I was little. There are different sections in the notebook and different daily life items related to unicórnios in each section. I'm sure we all have unicorn stuff. Before we start, this is something like my diary and you shouldn't mock it. Because I wrote these with my baby mind :)

part 1
Interesting facts believed about unicorns
8 August 2016

1- unicórnios are divided into two as unicorn and alicorn. Alicorns are cavalos that have both horns and wings.

2- The name of a constellation...
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posted by lilylove89
An animal called the re’em (Hebrew: רְאֵם‎) is mentioned in several places in the Hebrew Bible, often as a metaphor representing strength. "The allusions to the re'em as a wild, un-tamable animal of great strength and agility, with mighty horn or horns (Job xxxix. 9–12; Ps. xxii. 21, xxix. 6; Num. xxiii. 22, xxiv. 8; Deut. xxxiii. 17; comp. Ps. xcii. 11), best fit the aurochs (Bos primigenius). This view is supported por the Assyrian rimu, which is often used as a metaphor of strength, and is depicted as a powerful, fierce, wild mountain touro with large horns."[13] This animal was...
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posted by ishasinha
Many people doubt unicórnios existence. I infer that they do exist, but it would be very hard to explain. Lets take a look at why its impossible to prove that something does or does not exist. For instance, we can use the subject of God. Some people believe God exists, while others do not. Science has looked for a God, but has yet to find one. Some then state that there is no God, due mostly to the fact that it has not been proven to exist.

then the other part of the argument comes in. Many believe it does exist. So then they ask Science to prove that there is no God. Science cannot do this because...
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