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added by brittanie81892
added by brittanie81892
added by brittanie81892
added by brittanie81892
added by brittanie81892
added by brittanie81892
added by brittanie81892
Chorus, harmony, dance, these are some essentials an idol group must possess. To be an all-rounder and excel in it is no mean feat; and under such a situation whereby one needs to undertake “singing”, “rap” or “dance”, it is understandable if the members were to develop a specialization in a certain aspect. However, TVXQ is different – the group was formed with five members who could each stand on his own to take the lead in a song.

TVXQ made their glamorous debut in 14 January 2004 with their solo track [Hug]. In Korea then, where the craze for idol groups was dying off, even...
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added by brittanie81892
added by brittanie81892
added by brittanie81892
added by brittanie81892
added by brittanie81892
added by brittanie81892
added by TeNsHiALiCe
Source: Ever kiss (Deviantart)
added by brittanie81892
added by brittanie81892
added by brittanie81892
posted by Minatonagato
Han jaejoong
Name: Hero, YoungWoong JaeJoong (영웅재중/英雄在中), Jejung (in Japão - ジェジュン)
Real Name: Kim Jae Joong (Hangul: 김재중; Hanja: 金在中; Japanese: キム・ジェジュン)
Birth Name: Han Jae Joong
Religion: Christian
Job: Lead Vocal, Middle High
Birthday: January 26, 1986
Birthplace: Choong Nam
Education: Senior (Last ano of High School)
Height: 180 cm
Weight: 63 kg (can be changing from times to times)
Blood Type: O
Hobbies: Games and listening to music
Special Ability: Singing
Awards: 2nd Annual SM Best Competition - Best Appearance 1st Place
K-group: TVXQ
Talent Agency:...
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added by brittanie81892