the young and the restless Club
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After everyone had eaten and had a good meal, Summer noticed that the time had come to leave the house and head to where the stores were because they were about to be open. “Louise? Amanda? Linda? Follow my lead and let me do all the talking in the stores because I’m on a first name basis with the owners as well as the salespeople. In all of these stores that we’ll be shopping in, I have an account so all of my purchases as well as yours will be on my account. It’s going to take some time because I’ll need to update my information since Kyle and I have combined our bank accounts into...
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added by pmmom38
added by pmmom38
added by pmmom38
added by HoltNLucy4Ever
“That’s fine. Is there anything else we need to know?”
    “I received the list of perguntas that they will ask you in court and we need to go over your answers. Since Kyle is your fiancé, he can be there in court when you testify if he wants.”
    Summer told Kyle that Pax thought Nicole was his and that they would have to undergo yet another paternity test which he was happy to do. They went to another lab and got one done and arranged for the results to be sent to the other lawyer. Once the results confirmed what they already knew about Kyle...
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added by jlhfan624
Source: CBS
    Kyle, Summer, and their entire families were so proud at how great she looked and the fact that she didn’t seem nervous at all. She said all of her lines well but the one thing that was nerve wrecking was the fact that Rapunzel was supposed to kiss the prince. It wasn’t a real kiss since they weren’t old enough but it was a peck on the cheek. Watching that, Kyle had made the decision that he was going to tell Summer Nicole couldn’t encontro, data until she was 35 which Summer had laughed at as well as Nick. “Kyle? That’s the same thing I told Phyllis when it was Summer...
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As Kyle was getting to know Summer’s friends, neither they nor any of the other guests at the party had any idea that there would soon be party crashers-the three people who didn’t get an invitation to their housewarming and engagement party as well as their wedding. What was great for Kyle and Summer was that their families had doubled the security for the party as well as the wedding since she was a Newman and he was an Abbott. “What are the three of you doing here? I know for a fact that we didn’t invite you. Leave now before we have security escort you off the premises.” Summer...
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“I’ve booked a flight to New York because I need to meet with the designer of my wedding dress to get measured. Since I want to keep it a secret from Kyle, he will stay here and work. I was thinking that we could make it a weekend trip as a family-just the three of us. I can let you know when I have to get measured and then both Nicole and you can cadastrar-se me after. What do you think?”
“That sounds like a good idea, Summer. I know of a great restaurant we can go to as a family one of the days we’re there. We can also go to a Broadway show and show Nicole all the places we amor when we...
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While Victoria, Nick, Adam, and Abby were plotting as to the gifts to hand over to Victor for the 50th Anniversary gala, Kyle and Summer had made their own plans for the gala-they were going to use the event to mark their official coming out as a family for the first time with their beloved daughter. They had decided to wear matching outfits so Summer and Nicole would be wearing the same color dress while Kyle would be wearing a tuxedo with the same color tie. “Nicole? You and I are going to do my favorito hobby which is shopping and we need dresses to wear to this party. I’m going to order...
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