The angel And The Demon Club
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posted by xXjakeloverXx
Chapter Two
    Glory could only stand there, stunned, at what she saw. Anna and Gabriel were beautiful, yes. But this boy, Aden, made their beauty seem irrelevant. He was gorgeous. His dark head of curls looked silky. Curls flopped down on his forehead and Glory fought the surprising urge to run her fingers through them. But that wasn’t what held her attention now. It was his eyes. His eyes were a dark gold, surrounded por thick black lashes. His eyes were even mais golden than Gabriel’s hair. They seemed to penetrate her. Look straight into her soul. Glory’s eyes flickered...
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posted by xXjakeloverXx
Chapter Four
    “See! He doesn’t need me. I just want to go home.” Glory said, shooting a pleading glance at Anna. Anna’s delicate features were icy.
“ Sometimes he doesn’t know everything.” Her brown eyes were narrowed and all of a sudden, Glory thought she looked dangerous. Glory eased a little mais toward her door, trying not to be noticed.
Anna’s hands were clenching and unclenching. Her lips thinned and at one point, she let out a soft huff of air. Almost as if she was talking to someone without saying anything out loud.
Glory was debating whether to...
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posted by xXjakeloverXx
Chapter Five
    A flash of color was momentarily visible through the leaves. Glory stared at where the color was last seen, breathing hard. Something was circling her. A moment later, a cheetah appeared, its long teeth bared. Glory blinked in shock. It couldn’t be! But yet, here it was. The cheetah from the school. There was no other way it could be a different one. The sound of a padded feet hitting the dirt, sounded behind Glory. She whirled the opposite direction. The tiger was stalking toward her, its long tail flicking. There was no doubt left in her mind. These were...
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Chapter Three
    Glory’s head was pounding. She slowly opened her eyes. She was laying in the back assento of a vehicle. Someone was cradling her head in their lap. Glory looked up and saw Anna’s delicate face peering back down at her. Anna smiled when she saw Glory was awake.
“Gabe, Aden! She’s finally awake!” Anna’s cool voice actually sounded happy.
“Why would I care if she’s awake or not?” Aden’s hard voice shook the remaining sleepiness out of Glory’s mind. Her coração clenched at the uncaring tone of his voice. She must have imagined what he said to...
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posted by xXjakeloverXx
Chapter One

Glory Anderson would never forget the dia she saw him. She was walking from her third hora class she assisted in, to the main office. Three people walked in the main entrance of the school ahead of her. They were a good looking group. Two males and a female. The female was small, with castanha colored hair that was styled in a short fashion. She looked like a ballet dancer, short and petite. The group turned away before Glory could see the girl’s face or look at the two males. Looking at them from behind, the two males were both tall. One had straight, golden hair and the other...
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