Teen Fashion What to wear?

moo000 posted on Nov 01, 2009 at 09:20AM
I thought we should have a place where people can post pictures of outfits they have made and ask fellow fanpop users what they think.

It could be stuff like what hairstyle, acessories, is this too formal, to short, or simply; does this look good?

Teen Fashion 9 replies

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over a year ago moo000 said…
OK fine, I'll start =D
I love this dress but it has become really short on me. Is it just TOO short, or could I keep wearing it for a while?
 OK fine, I'll start =D I amor this dress but it has become really short on me. Is it just TOO short
over a year ago ally115 said…
you can keep wearing it but if you don't like how short it is you could always wear laggings. ^_^
over a year ago mila_wow said…
or jeggings would look good with that.
over a year ago Bieberobsessed said…
I think that is TOO short but it can look really good if u wear leegings or staulkings!
over a year ago moo000 said…
I dont really like leggings, but I continued to wear it as more of a long top with my electric blue jeans. Then I took it to my friends clothes swap party so it is now loved by sombody else =]
over a year ago alicabacon said…

swaping party,
well that is cool thing.
i lov those parties, because many times i bought cloths which i don't like later, ( and i always like my friends dresses)

what did u swap for it ?
over a year ago moo000 said…
I got a skirt, a hat and some tights. pretty good swapping if I do say so myself.
over a year ago wadima said…
oh cool cutty i think very nice skirt
over a year ago Cabral10 said…
Goodness cool cutty i think extremely decent skirt. You find find the cute cute and cute teen fashion wearing, If you want you can take a look.... link]https://www.boutiqueken.com/cat/ki­ds/]b­out­iqu­eke­n[/­url­][/­url­]