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added by notesofchange
added by georgiapeach91
added by georgiapeach91
added by georgiapeach91
added by Misstmor
added by Misstmor
added by MerDerLover
added by MerDerLover
added by MerDerLover
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by georgiapeach91
added by georgiapeach91
added by notesofchange
added by MerDerLover
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
Melanie left Jake for a reason which was he was drunk and did not pay attention to her. She needed someone to amor her and treat her like a queen and that someone was Andrew. Andrew loved Melanie and Melanie loved Andrew. Even though Andrew's mother disapproved of their relationship, Andrew and Melanie truly loved each other. Melanie deserved to be with Andrew because Andrew would have never hurt her the way Jake did. Melanie ending up with Andrew would have made me so much happier. In her heart, I think Melanie was scared to amor Andrew because she was afraid that he would hurt her the same way Jake hurt her. Andrew is the one Melanie should have ended up with Jake.
added by Misstmor
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007