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added by fatoshleo
Source: EW
added by fatoshleo
Source: EW
added by dia_alam
added by fatoshleo
added by fatoshleo
added by fatoshleo
added by micymilena
added by micymilena
added by marthatsal
added by fatoshleo
added by fatoshleo
In the current issue of EW Magazine (August 17/24) with Edward and Bella on the cover, there is loads of news on Breaking Dawn – Part 2 including new imagens from the film. On page 37 of the issue, there is a Q&A with Stephenie Meyer. It also has a new picture of her for the article. There is one pergunta that is about The Host, and I have typed it out below.

“You’re currently working on a film adaptation of another of your books, The Host. Has your experience with Twilight changed how you feel about turning your books into movies?

It’s hard to say. As a general rule, my experience...
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added by micymilena
added by marthatsal
Source: the host espania
added by micymilena
chapter 1 ~

i thought that my life was normal easy clear stable but life is change a lot .... when you got that change the fear control s every cell of your body the fear of the future you would never give the thought of it will be better a change for good i think !.....~
my mother and i never did agree On one thing in all my life she always think that i am the liability promising future since the dia i came to this life i stop her planes for the future . we fight a lot i start to think to leave início live alone some were she was the segundo wife of chief cisne but she got divorced after she got...
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added by 12Howey
Source: by: 12Howey
added by micymilena
added by micymilena
added by micymilena