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Stephen Moyer interview and fashion feature from UK Telegraph Men’s Style, Autumn/Winter 2009.

"Stephen Moyer is the latest British actor to become a sex symbol in America, playing a 173-year-old vampire in True Blood, the year’s most talked-about new drama series. "

Those with a taste for quality US drama may already have been feasting on the strange pleasures of True Blood, the new series from the Oscar-winning writer of American Beauty and Six Feet Under, Alan Ball. It has been showing here on the FX channel and is soon to arrive on Channel 4. In the States it is HBO’s most watched show...
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Despite the illustrious BBC completely missing the barco and letting Channel 4 snap up True Blood (along with all the other awesome American shows that get shown in the UK, usually bloody late), they did take the time to interview Stephen Moyer recently. He’s been a busy boy this week doing various UK press around London, so expect mais of this stuff soon. As its Season 1 being shown there, there will likely be no spoilers for Season 3, bah.

Here are some good chunks of said interview, to read it in full follow the link below, there’s mention of a 40th birthday bash, I wonder if his mates will get him a stripper?

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posted by trueBloodnews
Stephen Moyer was interviewed por Company Magazine in this October issue. Enjoy!

He’s dating his True Blood co-star, Anna Paquin, but that didn’t stop sexy Brit-born vampire Stephen Moyyer logging on for a spot of online flirting. mover over, RPatz!

COMPANY: Having a good day?
STEPHEN: Lovely, thank you. Londres is the best place on earth when the sun’s out.

C: SO you miss our little Britain?
S: Totally -one of the first things I do when I get back is jump in the pond in Hampstead. I’m a bit fair~weather, though — I only do it from May to September.

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Bill Compton or Eric Northman? Our Guest correspondent, Elisabeth Rappe of the blog, “Ring Bright and Distinguished of Mind” penned a compelling and thought-provoking piece about why some women prefer Eric Northman over the chivalrous Bill Compton.

What do women want? It’s been one of the perguntas plaguing mankind since the first cavepeople tried to hook up. As a woman, I used to say “WHAT? It’s not that hard!” but now I’ve come to the conclusion that I don’t have a clue, either.

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