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added by Altivia
Source: Altivia
added by DaveX
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added by StarWanderer
added by bairdy4815
Source: bairdy
added by tealc_bratac
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added by anubis210
added by pakie2k11
Source: 4534
added by DaveX
Source: Pinups For rosa, -de-rosa
added by tealc_bratac
posted by Dragonclaws
 Hathor gives birth to larval Goa'uld through her human host
Hathor gives birth to larval Goa'uld through her human host
So, I’ve watched all of Stargate SG-1, and I’m confused about the sexuality of the Goa’uld (and Tok’ra, which I’m just going to call Goa’uld because it’s easier[1]). How do they reproduce? Do they have genders? If they do have genders, how are they distinguished? This confusion is worsened por exposition that seems to change the nature of the Goa’uld physiology over the course of the show, retroactive continuity change that isn’t clearly resolved, specifically in regard to the Goa’uld queens.

I approached Stargate from the point of view of an Animorphs fan, so I regarded the...
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