Spuffy vs Willara Pergunta
Do you prefer Buffy and Spike or Willow and Tara?
Spuffy vs Willara Respostas
Vampgrrl208 said:
I amor Spike and Buffy! I would say Willow and Tara but honestly Im mais for Willow and Oz!
jessica101 said:
I amor Buffy and Spike not that I don't like Willow and Tara it's just that Buffy and Spike are my favorito couple on the show.
Hostile_17 said:
Same, spike and buffy always come out on topo, início for me, but willow and tara were also great. i cried when both spike and tara died.
snowwhitesilver said:
I say Spuffy just 'cuz the willow/tara thing kind'a annoyed me. I got to really like Tara, but Willow wasn't gay! U don't just turn gay one day, that's insulting to gays! It's like Joss Whedon just went with the stereotypical wiccan image.