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Spiritclan Members
ScottishChic posted on Mar 13, 2010 at 06:05PM
Here are the cats of Spiritclan, if your name is not there contact me
Leader: Spiritstar {ScottishChic}- a pure white she-cat with big blue-green eyes Deputy: Sandstorm {orkneymatrix}- a white she-cat with ginger felcks and unusual violet eyes Third in Command: Frozenstorm {Bluefire7777}- a white and creamy orange she-cat with green eyes Apprentice- Moonpaw Medicine Cat: Petalbreeze {SoyalaLeisu}- a grey and white she- cat with ice blue eyes Apprentice- Silverwind {careia}- gray she cat with blue eyes Warriors: Flashstep {brownstar}- a silver she-cat with a black tail and blue eye Fallenheart {vampirefreak_26}- a light chocolate she-cat with dark brown eyes Apprentice- Krestelpaw Brightclaw {brightclaw}- a blue she-cat with white paws and tail and blue eyes Darkstripe {StichxAngel4eva/Spottedshadow03}- a black and gray tabby tom Apprentice- Lionpaw Mistpelt- {mousefang}- a light grey she-cat with green eyes Apprentice- Rainpelt Frostwing {careia1}- a pale grey tom Cloudtail {Moonbeam2}- a light grey she-cat with green eyes Queens: Brightclaw {brightclaw} - Jewelkit Frostlily {careia1} -Flowerkit {cariea1} -Flamekit -Whitekit Apprentices: Krestelpaw {arcaninegal123}- a silver she- cat with grey stripes and blue eyes Lionpaw {whitefur}- a golden tabby tom with amber eyes Rainpaw {ichigocat}- a white and grey tabby with black stripes, white paws, white chest, and ocean blue eyes Kits: Jewelkit {hellomia}- black and white she-cat with green eyes Mother: Brightclaw Flowerkit {Cariea1} Mother: Frostlily Flamekit- Whitekit-
last edited on Jul 12, 2010 at 10:18PM
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