Sonic Underground Which brother do you think Sonia likes more?

lexy3643 posted on Mar 22, 2009 at 06:19PM
ok so basically i just want some people's opinions. which brother do you think likes sonia more and who do you think Sonic likes more? you see i think Sonia likes Sonic more and that Sonic likes Sonia more. what do you guys think?

Sonic Underground 3 replies

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over a year ago Cyan-Lightning said…
I think she likes them both the same, they're both her brothers
over a year ago shadowgirl78899 said…
this anserw might be stupid but i think she likes manic better becuse chili dogs always inerupted sonic and manic dosent get inerupted
over a year ago nala11red said…
I think Sonic likes Manic more because well they are boys and sonia gets mad at Sonic sometimes and she complaints a lot about lots of stuff