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Sonic the Hedgehog RPs Pergunta

any one want to rp with me please?

if you do want to rp with me I'll be using my fã character Carrie, Amy rose , and Carrie's pet dog bolt
Erm dude?or dudet?You there? it's been like 4 months now i might just give up on this
ShadeTH posted over a year ago
 misshedgehog posted over a year ago
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Sonic the Hedgehog RPs Respostas

ShadeTH said:
Hmmm...hmmm...hmmmmm...Meh...Naw i won't....Just kidding!Sure i will i have to warn you...Amy and I are related :D I'll check as often as i can for your responses!K?just e-mail me or sumin to tell me when we're startin i'll bookmark the page!
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posted over a year ago 
i'll usely make it up as i go
misshedgehog posted over a year ago
* the way i won't be able to check as often as i can D: my computer broke down and needs to be wiped...anyway i'm on my wii now so....i'll try to check! :)
ShadeTH posted over a year ago
misshedgehog posted over a year ago
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