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added by Rad_Dudesman
added by Rad_Dudesman
added by Rad_Dudesman
posted by blazeroxs
"Come on, Blaze. Please. Give me a chance." Sonic pleaded.
"For the last time Sonic, no." Blaze said turning around and walking away.
Sonic kept on following her, "Give me one good reason why you don't want to go out with me." he finished putting a finger in the air.
Blaze cleared her throat, "Ok first of all you always ask every girl you know, besides Amy since she asks you. You flirt every girl you know, you then make up with them, and-"
"OK, ok I see your point." Sonic cut her off, "But you're different. You don't chase me around, you don't try to kill me with a hammer, you don't show off,...
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added by Ryuuto013
added by Ryuuto013
added by Ryuuto013
added by blazeroxs
added by blazeroxs
added by BlazeTheCat_16
Source: BlazeTheCat
added by burningblaze15
added by BlazeTheCat_16
Source: BlazeTheCat
added by Rad_Dudesman
a video for sonaze fans. Song por Skillet, The Last Night (my fav. band)
added by Rad_Dudesman
added by blazeroxs
added by blazeroxs
added by Rad_Dudesman
added by Ryuuto013