Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants Club
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Q: The segundo Summer of the Sisterhood has debuted at a #1 on the New York Times bestseller list and has become and international bestseller, and your first book, The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, will be a major motion picture. What does that feel like?[b]

A: I'm not sure, to tell you the truth. The act of composição literária feels small and intimate and deeply personal when you are doing it, and the notion of having success in composição literária feels big and distant and hard to encompass. Sometimes I have the slightly disorienting feeling that while the composição literária of books is something I do, the success of them...
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posted by MJ_Fan_4Life007
Bailey determinedly pushed on the buttons of the Dragon Slayer game, attempting to blow the dragon into oblivion. "Die, Dragon, die!" she murmured, and then with a heavy heart, realized what she had said. She dropped the game onto her lap; suddenly it had no meaning to her whatsoever. She heard the música sound that told that the main character had been killed por the dragon, but she paid it no mind. Die. How could she say the word die, at a time like this? How could she say the word die when hundreds of people in the world, young and old, male and female, were at this very moment, gasping their...
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     “Man, how are you guys already done packing? I haven’t even started yet!” Larry shouted out to the group. The four boys were gathered at Carlos’ house as they were every Sunday afternoon; usually to watch some sporting event or play a round of X-Box. However, this Sunday was different than most: The four boys were congregated for the last time before they went off on their various summer adventures. For the first time since they had become buddies, which really was since birth, the boys would not be spending their summer days walking around their hometown...
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