Scourge The Hedgehog Club
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posted by sexyluna34
when i woke up the seguinte morning..i found a note.

note: luna....look behind ya..and your gonna find something to make your morning great.

i turned and saw scourge...he slept near me...he then hugged me while sleeping...i blushed.....then.. i just didnt move....i started to mover my hand on his face....i saw his scars..i thought:poor guy. i then licked his stomahc as if doing that may make them dissapear...i then heard a laugh ...i looked up and scourge was smiling at me.

scourge: morning...that was a nice little good seems that your taking interest in me...dont ya think?

i then lost...
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posted by sexyluna34
luna:aaaagh dont touch me there!!!

scourge: i can touch you werever i want!! *rubs crotch*

luna: nngh!!! stop it!!! you even want to know how i got out?

luna: h-how?

scourge: i killed everyone there...i showed no mercy! and now....*keeps rubbing my crotch* i have you to have "fun" with! heheheh!!

luna:i..said..... STOP!! *wacks him with piko hammer and runs to jakes house*

luna: *opens door and runs into jake and kisses him*

jake: ....*breaks kiss* what happened?

luna: hes*pant* back! *pant*

jake: *eyes widen* what did he do??

luna: h-he found me a-and he ran at me...and...he ....touched...
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posted by Hellowittykitty
 This is kinda what he made me do.
This is kinda what he made me do.

Scourge smiled at me lustfully, as if he wanted more. Scourge planted kisses all over my face and a groan escapes my lips. Scourge smirked evilly and began forming sex plans in his mind. His kisses trailed down to my neck, where he nibbled it slightly. My body arched back in pleasure and Scourge kissed my lips once again. He slowly licked my neck as if it was a lollipop. I had NO words to express what we were feeling then. Pleasure maybe? Scourge smiled willingly at me and slowly...
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posted by sexyluna34
scourge: alright...lets get it over....but let it last for a loooong time..heh.

luna: no nonononooo!!!! i wont let you!!!

scourge: *grabs my neck and bites it* *he then puts his hand under my saia and feels that sensetive spot*

luna:aaaaaaaggggh!!!! make it stop!! make it stop!!!!

scourge: HELL NO!!!! *scary smile* YOUR MINE AND I GET TO MOLEST YOU WHENEVER I WANT!!! NOW GET YOUR VAGINA OVER HERE AND LETS GET STARTED!@!!!!! *unchains me and sticks his beep in mine*

luna:*gasps* no...ngggh ......sugh sos sdsd qede e heahahahahahaaaaaa aaaaagh n-ngggnh haaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaggggggggggggggh!!!!!...
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posted by sexyluna34
i was only 13 when i met him.... jeez.....heres what happened i was alone at my house wathcing tv..i had the phone seguinte to me and the news came on:

tv: in other news..a rapist hedgehog has been running around raping 13-16 ano olds while no one is in there house-

luna:*spits out coca-cola i just drank*

luna: ..the hell?


luna:*feels eyes watching her*

i then felt someones hands one my shoulders...i got scared and i turned around.

tv: this hedgehog is green with blue eyes and has a if anyone sees this man call-

????: oi there....wanna party?

luna: *gets out piko hammer that rosy...
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(if you don’t know “Code Geass” or at least WHAT geass itself is, you’ll end up kinda lost, & this is meant to take place AFTER chapter 4 of my ‘Scourge rape trap’ installations, which has already been posted…YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED-! So no complaints)
-Scourge~to Scintillant: “YOU did this-DIDN’T YOU- - -!!!!-?”grinding his teeth like never before. She was almost too overcome w/ laughter to respond coherently;
-Scintillant: “- - -no- - -I SWEAR- - -to actual- -GOD- - - -I didn’t- - -<burst of laughter>-the other fãs did this- -by –them –SE-LVES - -!!!!!<another...
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posted by sexyluna34
one dia in mobius..... at the park.

luna: *sigh* man......*upset*

*scourge walks to a árvore and sees luna*

scourge: oi babe... whats wrong?

luna:*looks up* .......... miles tried to kiss me.

scourge: what? *turns to super form* alright.. wheres that little son of a bitch???

luna: um babe.... a-april fools.

scourge:.....-_-... babe dont do that.


scourge: you did something bad... so you need to be *sexy voice* punished.

luna: oh baby.

scourge grabs luna and runs to his house.

scourge then puts luna on the bed.

scourge: you ready babe?

luna: oh you know it.

* scourge takes off my pants while i take...
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it was on a saturday...all of this happened:

luna: i need to tell them.......*gets out phone and dials a number*

magic: hello?

luna:um...magic....c-can you tell silver that im pregnant with scourge?

magic: *gasp* ..u-um...silver heard that.....

silver: YOU WHAT WITH HIM??!!!!

luna: ill explain it mais when i get their.*turns off phone*


silver: so...let me get this straight.... you got pregnant with scourge?

luna: yes.

magic: and you havent told us and you found out yesterday?


silver: and you *points to scourge* are THE FUCKING BASTARD WHO DID THIS TO HER!!!!

scourge: that would be correct....
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posted by silverstruelove
Me: Scourge what are you doing?!
Scourge: nothing babe i just want a little fun ( slides hands from my waist to my hip)
My name is Magic. Im 13 years old and i almost became a victim to scourge. Like the other middle school kids, i walk to and from school. Like the other girls, i was in amor with my boyfriend. Silver and me became a couple barely a mês ago, and he has already said that he loves me. I was walking home, so i could tell my mom, amy, about what he said. I was cantar a song. That was my greatest downfall. I was sing he could be the one por miley cyrus/hanna Montana . I heard someone...
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posted by sexyluna34
i then watched as the police took scourge and sent him to a new dimension...far away from me...good riddens:

jake: ow my arm.

luna: are you sure your alright?

jake: long as your gonna be fine*smiles*

luna: *smiles and takes him inside*

luna; are you sure? do you need to sit down?

jake: shoulder....

luna: where does it hurt?

jake: right there *points to right shoulder*

luna: i dont see anymmmmpphhh

jake: *kissing me* mmmmmmm*breaks kiss* ...*smiles* i lied.

luna: *blushes*..what about your real injury?

jake: arm...ugh.... its gonna need to heal ...itll only take 2...
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posted by gyrothehedgehog
chapter 1-WAKING UP
Sonic blinked against the harsh light of the sun and forced his eyes open. To his amazement, everything was gigantic, especially Eggman, who looked as dumbfounded as he did. “I thought that invention was supposed to destroy them!” His voice boomed in his ears like fire-crackers, making him flinch. Then he stood up. He fell backwards onto his back, then rolled onto his stomach, which felt mais comfortable than usual. What happened to me? Sonic wondered as he tried to stand on his legs. To his astonishment, he could still stand, but he was standing on all fours. Suddenly,...
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posted by SonicXAlika
Scourge is a bunda hedgehog but also is not a a** he is a guy who always hits on every girl he sees i do not like obsess over him i just like him as a character who has a attitude and is a pain and my sister showed me archie comics and learned mais about him and this is not a complaint to ScourgeXAlex17 because i live with her andshe is the one who showed me scourge and told me she was madly in amor with him so i kinda like scourge and i only like sonic the most becuase his hero attitude and now im so bored and i don't know what to wright
posted by girlygaga
i will never get why scourge does these things to us, but vote to see if we should put a stop to it.
if we get shadow to help us then we can win any battle scourge throws at us! hwos wit me!!!!
i hope you are, but you need to be with me or else. {secretley scourge is very lonley} so help me, and you'll see a brighter future!(for fanpop that is) so friend me, email me and make scouge pay for his wrong doings!!!so please help us or there will be no fanpop!!! so we can you no, make it fanpoppy. please, please do it...or else we won't have a fanpop.

girlygaga tm (no copeing)
posted by Havanahedgehog
scourge:thoughts:hope everythin goes all right..ive been in this hospital for 3 hours come on monique u can do it.....*ears prick up*huh

dr.hamilton:welcome scourge as u can seee ive got news.....

scourge:*sweats a little*

dr.hamilton:congratulations u hav now becomen a father

scourge:OH MY FUCKING GOD PRAISE THA LORD*runs to the room*

dr hamilton:wha?????

scourge:*pushes nurse*get out of mah way bitch!!!


scourge:omg oi sexy!!!!*kisses monique*

monique:hey scourgey

scourge:whers the baby???

monique:shhhhh *puts her finger 2 his lips*he's sleeping

scourge:awwww he looks like u

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posted by sexyluna34

shadow:*breaks the kiss*...hmm...your blushing.

luna:what? *notices that shes blushing*

shadow: *picks up luna* how about i take you somewhere?


shadow than ran to his home....i held on tight....his chest pele, peles was so soft...and fluffy :3

shadow: here we are.

luna:nice house.

shadow: thanks

shadow then put me down and we went inside.


shadow: *picks me up again*

luna: why do ya keep picking me up? *laughs a little bit*

shadow: maybe i cant stand it....maybe its cause your the most beautiful thing on mobius.

luna: *blushes* *kisses shadow*

posted by silverstruelove
Magic POV: oh god silver!!! ( drooling like crazy)
"Silver's" POV: yeah say my name babe and say it again.
I held "silver's" head at the spot he was sucking and licking at. He moved his arms to my waist and asked," want me to take this farther, babe?" I nodded, wiping the drool off my face. He automaticly pulled my pj bottoms off and his jeans at the same time. He took off my camisa and his camisa too. He licked, sucked, and kissed the spot he was at. I felt hands on my waist pulling my panties down. I was getting excited por the second, i have been waiting for this dia forever. I moved his hands to my bra, then let him take the clip off. He kissed me, while he did that, he groped my butt. I gasped, he saw his opportunity, and put his tongue in my mouth. I moaned when he did that.
posted by sexyluna34 i heard the sounds of machienes......i also heard voices.

"no....we cant help her much....." it was a man.

"but you have to!! shes my friend!!!!"...magic?

"i-its all my fault....i shouldve never thrown scourge out the window...." s-silver?

i began to open an hurt....but i saw magic,silver,and a doctor.

magic: shes awake!!! *hugs me*

silver: l-luna im so sorry!!!.

luna:h-huh? what happ-

magic: you fainted...i called 911.

doc:it was a good thing she were in a state of shock for that guy....*points to scourge*

luna: *eyes widen and fill up with tears* *she then gets out of...
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Amelia: How did you get in my house?
I screamed at Scourge. I knew he would come back, but not like this. Scourge broke into my house.
Scourge: Bebe, of the there is one thing you got to know about me, I always get what I want. It might only be for a little whole but I still get what I want.
I was scared. There was no way out.
Amelia: Your going to rap me.
Scourge: No I'm not. I going to kiss you.
Amelia: WHAT?!?
Scourge: Yeah. I Bebe, Am going to kiss you. Well make out with you anyway.
Amelia: I can't.
Scourge: Why. Sacred.
Amelia: I have a boyfriend.
I was making up lies.
Scourge: And who this, 'Boyfriend'...
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* after going on the way to the moon pearls * Scourge: I'm tired of the way sonic Sonic: Resist better way because a lot Scourge: Ok let Vina: if you want I'll walk beside you teach us to be good as Scourge : * blushing * vina good if you want to leave the group and fionna Lilly: you expect to come! * angry * Sonic: if we run all give you hope in sonic super speed * angry * Vina, Scourge, Lilly: OK * talking together while ** after a long long trip * Sonic: * suddenly got one bristles green with red ears are crossed on their way * Kirlia: hello brother Sonic: Scourge hi * tired *. _____. Vina:...
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A History Scourna
A dia In the land of sonic fionna was sitting on a rock looking strike anywhere llily wine. Lilly: Hi Fionna Fionna how it goes: Well and you Clumsy? :) Lilly: do not tell me * so * pushing it: (Fionna: ok ok here I go hehe * IN WHILE WITH VINA * Vina: There are beautiful flores that I amor I'm gonna get better I'm a little allergic to it lol achuuuuuu hehe Lilly: hello friend how are you and Gotham Adorable Ever? Vina: if :) Lilly: You know there's something that is like your algien is green has Auto Anti's cute has blue eyes I said you turned the blue-eyed crazy? Vina: HOW...
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