Rose Weasley Club
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added by iva098
added by peppergirl30
added by peppergirl30
Source: google imagens
added by casregan
posted by peppergirl30
Rose sat in the Great Hall eating her lunch. It was a Monday, and frantically Rose absoulety HATED Mondays. All of the sudden she saw Amber swooping down with all of the owls for the usual post. The only good thing about Mondays. Rose had a great amount of mail today, so much she might have to read some of it before bed. She quickly scanned through the contents. Daily Prophet, (the usual), a letter from Hugo, another letter from her Mum and Dad, and a letter from-who was that? Rose was sure she had never gotten a letter from this person before. Maybe Albus would know who it was, he seemed to...
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added by peppergirl30
Source: google imagens
added by casregan
Rose was hurrying to her Transfiguration class. If she didn't get there soon, she would get a detention. And she didn't need that on her personal records. But, as usual, she found a distraction. A little first ano girl was sobbing in the Upper 5th Corridor. Rose was a first ano too, of course, but never saw this girl before. Rose walked up to her and knelt down seguinte to her. At this point, Rose didn't care if she was late for Transfiguration now. She wanted to help this girl. ''Hey, are you ok?'' Rose asked gently. The girl looked up. ''Don't come near me, I'm a magnet for disaster.'' She...
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added by haley_scott
added by peppergirl30
Source: google imagens
added by peppergirl30
Source: google imagens
added by peppergirl30
Source: google imagens
added by peppergirl30
Source: google imagens
added by peppergirl30
Source: google imagens
Rose waved goodbye to her parents meekly. She had tried to act brave, but it hadn't worked. The truth was, she was afraid she wasn't going to get into Gryffindor, thanks to her father. She could still hear him saying: ''If you're not in Gryffindor we'll disinherit you, but no pressure.'' And thanks to the Granger in her she felt pressure. ''Rosie calm down! It's not like your dad would actually disinherit you if you got into Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw.'' Albus tried to console her, but it didn't work. But at least she knew that she had no chance of getting into Slytherin because of her family...
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posted by peppergirl30
--If you pictured Albus into anything besides Gryffindor, or Rose into Ravenclaw, I do NOT suggest you leitura this--

Rose was nervous. mais than nervous, actually, terrified. James had already taken his assento at the Gryffindor table, and he kept on glancing at Albus and Rose standing in the long line of First Years. She would try and smile at James, to let him know that she was feeling okay. He and Albus both knew that she was nervous about getting Sorted. At least 50 kids had went already, and since the 'W' in Weasley was at the very end of the alphabet, she would be standing there a long time....
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added by la-la-la-45
added by peppergirl30
Source: google imagens
added by casregan
added by casregan