Rick Riordan Club
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"I'm the head counselor of the Athena cabin," Katie said. I guessed that she was about 16 years old. I had noticed black string necklaces around all the campers necks with various amounts of beads, each with a different design on the beads. Katie's had 6 beads on it. Well, I mean I notice weird things.
"Uh," for the first time in a while, I was speechless.
I looked around the room. There were kids of various ages sitting at tables in the middle of the cabin. They all had blonde hair and gray eyes. Just like me. But they were all working on something on blue sheets of paper. All of the bunks were...
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I ran inside to get Will Solace. He was one of the best healers at the Camp. Will and I had grown up together at camp so we were pretty close. I ran into the infirmary. I scanned the room, looking for Will's shaggy brown hair. I found him, pressing a cool rag on Jake Mason's head. Jake Mason was in the infirmary a lot because he was a son of the fogo god Hephaestus, and so he played with fire, a lot. I walked over to the side of Jake's bed.
"Will. Percy, he's here. But the Minotaur-"I said. I only got to there because Will was already at the door with his medical bag.
When we got Percy up on...
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"Come on out Annabeth. I've heard a lot about you"' the Horse man thing said.
I was only slightly creeped out that this person thing knew my name.
"Annabeth. This is Chiron, he is the activities director here at camp", Luke said as he pulled me out.
I got a good look at Chiron. He had a white stallion body but instead of a regular horse head, he had a middle-aged man from the torso up. This was really confusing me. A friend I had just met had just been turned into a pine árvore and now there was this weird Chiron dude that some how knew me.
"How do you know me?" I managed.
"Grover Iris-messaged me...
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oi everyone, I'm MijmiD,but it's ok if you call me Mij. As you can see, I am a pretty big Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus fan, and I have a couple of things to say about those books....

Reasons why I amor these books....

1.They're exciting and thrilling
2.Rick sure knows how to make a good couple!
3.They have death, one of the main ingredients to an excellent book
4.The descriptions are vivid
5.It's not like a Judy Moody book that has like, only 60 pages

Reasons why these books can be better....
1.The main character always has a coração of steal...not one tear dropped from their eye when a loved one died.
2.I think that it would be cool if one of the main characters were blind or deaf, like Frank or Hazel
3.The books aren't very inspiring, like Harry Potter, I think Rick needs a life lesson in his books....

Either way I amor these books, but I just think it needs a little more.
I had to restrain myself form slapping him.

"Wait what?" I could tell I was making this kid confused.

I just rolled my eyes. and kept walking. How could I think he could be the one?

"What?" Percy said.

Oops, i guess I had said that out loud.

"What's your problem? All I know is that I killed some touro guy thin-' Percy started to say. I knew this wasn't going to be pretty.

"Don't talk like that! Do you know how many campers would die to have that chance?" I was starting to get annoyed. If theres one thing you should know about me is that I hate being wrong, and I especially hate it when people doubt...
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Chiron was taking Percy on a tour of the camp. I knew this was going to take a while, judging on the fact that Percy was completely clueless. I looked up from my book. I saw Chiron and Percy come around the corner. Percy had the same blank expression most new demigods had. They were absorbing all the information because they don't know how to react. Percy asked Chiron a few questions, that Chiron quickly answered.

"Annabeth, I have archery class this afternoon. Will you show Percy his bunk?" Chiron said as he trotted around.

"Sure," I muttered. I wanted this to be fast so I could get back to...
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My name is Annabeth Chase. Before you get started leitura I would just like to tell you that if at any point during this book you fell like this has happened to you, stop reading. Put the book down and forget you ever started reading. Anyways this is completely fantasy.

Well, I'm thirteen years old. I'm the daughter of the Greek goddess Athena, Goddess of wisdom. That makes me a half-blood. There is thousands of half-blood worldwide. Some lead normal lives and others train to become warriors at Camp Half-Blood on Long Island New York. I've been going to that camp since I was about 7 years old....
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Hello people of the Rick Riordan spot!

Do not worry, I am trying to find an icon. I am doing my best to have one up, but my computer will not co-operate!

And yes, this banner isn`t great. I`m working on it.

Anyways, this spot needs rules so things are nice and nobody gets hurt.

1. Play nice. Common, nobody likes a bully and the fact people can`t see your face or don`t know your name doesn`t make it different. por "play nice", I mean no rude comments, no mean comments to anyone, no racism, the basics. Usually the rule "If your grandma would hit you when you say that, then don`t say it" applies.

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