Princess pêssego and margarida Club
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Source: Cremayori
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added by ArtemisVenardos
added by ArtemisVenardos
added by XCuteZombieX
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added by ariastarlove
added by ArtemisVenardos
added by ArtemisVenardos
Mario tênis series
Peach on the court in Mario Power Tennis.

In the Mario tênis series, pêssego is a Technique character, who depends on strategy since she is not that strong.
Mario tênis (Nintendo 64)

In Mario Tennis, even though pêssego is Technique, she leans mais towards all-around. This is because of her height to reach the ball, her speed, and ability to send the ball over the net.
Mario Power Tennis
In Mario Power Tennis, her Offensive Power Shot is the Super pêssego Spin, while her Defensive Power Shot is the Sweet kiss Return. She is skilled at getting the ball in areas hard to reach,...
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added by ariastarlove
added by ArtemisVenardos
added by ArtemisVenardos
added by peachdaisy432
This is a slideshow of pêssego and margarida with the poker face song playing
added by ArtemisVenardos
added by Daisyfan2