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arte dos fãs
added by akhil_anik_1
Source: Akhil anik 81
added by chel1395
Source: engrish.com
added by 1dniallover
added by chel1395
Source: http://www.unoriginal.co.uk
added by leuron
added by 1dniallover
Source: sonic
added by chel1395
Source: http://www.funnypets.com/
 well okay maybe these finger nails are interesting
well okay maybe these finger nails are interesting
oi gals and guys.

This artigo is basically bits and bats on what i think make a brilliant pick just that little bit extra sparkly...i don't suppose it has any real purpose but hopefully some of you will find it useful....or a amusing read :)

5. topo, início tip number five, pick something interesting...I'm pretty certain no one really has an opinion on what color everyone's teapots are or finds the length of your finger nails amusing. It may seem like a obvious thing but don't ask a pick for the sake of just asking a pick. Ask a pick to hear people's opinions or to entertain.

4. topo, início tip number four,...
continue reading...
posted by 18marras
Look at your first option.

-Is it convinient
-Is it appropriate
-Is it neccesarry
-Is it a good choice

If no to two or mais of the above questions, skip that option. Look at the seguinte and ask yourself the same questions. You may find the other option similar, inappropriate, unnessary, not a good choice and inconvinient.
So, if the other choice is worse than the first option, skip that choice, and just go with option no.1.
If the segundo choice is as good as or better than the first, consider it.

It should be convinient for you and others through change. How and will it benefit people, how, and will?...
continue reading...
added by chel1395
Source: http://www.unoriginal.co.uk
added by Temptasia
Source: fanpop.com
added by iulia67
added by Snerkie
added by apok
added by amazondebs
Source: bluebuddies & stupidjunk
posted by miiamya
My latest pick pet peeve is not opinionated picks. They have been popping up frequently and are beginning to irk me almost as much as repeat picks. In case you don't know what I am talking about, not opinionated picks are picks that ask perguntas to which there is only one answer. These can range from inquiring when the seguinte episode of a show in airing to asking what the full name of a character is.

I assume that the people who create these picks just don't understand the purpose of a pick. Picks are not trivia perguntas nor are they a way to ask for factual information. If you wish to know when a new episode airs, I suggest posting it as a forum.

I'm sorry if this was at all offensive, but I figured that composição literária a soapbox was easier than giving the same spiel to every author of a not opinionated pick.

Also, I am trying to think of a better name for this variety of picks rather than 'not opinionated picks'. Catchy names were never my forte.
This is hilarious!!!!
added by 1dniallover
Source: sonic
added by chel1395
Source: http://www.iamlost.com