peterslover Time for a laugh......

peterslover posted on Nov 06, 2010 at 10:41PM
* I get no respect: When I was born the doctor can out and said to my dad, "I'm sorry, we did everything we could...she pulled through.
* I get no respect: My mom got morning sickness after I was born.
* I get no respect: My mom made me join a bridge club, I jump next Tuesday.
* I get no respect: bvghvfgbb (my cat just typed that while walking across my keyboard).
* I get no respect: As a child while playing in the sand-box, the cat tried to cover me up.

 * I get no respect: When I was born the doctor can out and said to my dad, "I'm sorry, we did everyth

peterslover 5 replies

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over a year ago yorkshire_rose said…
LOL ! Susie !!!
 lol ! Susie !!!
over a year ago peterslover said…
Silly fun :D
over a year ago yorkshire_rose said…
Does you good !! :D
over a year ago peterslover said…
And you too! If you think of something silly funny you can share it you know!!
over a year ago yorkshire_rose said…
OK Hun !!