peterslover This is my dream place to go....

peterslover posted on Mar 14, 2010 at 02:52AM
I WISH, I WISH I had the money to have a vacation here! The 'rooms' above the water, the colors of the water, to escape the ugliness of this world for just a short time. I'm burned-out about this time, this world. I NEED an ESCAPE!
 I WISH, I WISH I had the money to have a vacation here! The 'rooms' above the water, the as cores of th

peterslover 3 replies

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over a year ago peterslover said…
Damn, sorry. Where is my photo that I posted with my thought? >:(

This is the photo that I'm talking about :) ↓
last edited over a year ago
 Damn, sorry. Where is my fotografia that I posted with my thought? >:( This is the fotografia that I'm talking
over a year ago iluvmichaelj said…
WOW,well I hope you will get the chance to go there,you deserve it and much more,love you a lot !!!
over a year ago peterslover said…
awww thanks Diona! :)