Oliver and Company's Dodger! Pergunta
Do you feel like you are a lot like Dodger?
I do!!! I am bad, but I also have a soft side. I luv to sing. I also am kind of like a leader. :)
Oliver and Company's Dodger! Respostas
Dakota_husky said:
Im a good leader and always will back friends Up when there down even there having probulems
BoltJT said:
Ofcourse I am! I'm the kind of person that would break into song on the street, and always is following the beat. :)
fishypup said:
I'm mais like Rita, but yes, I've always liked and identified with him and Tramp and other cool, carefree, independent, street-wise dogs. 8-) Even as a kid I felt somewhat similar to them. I too enjoy cantar and dancing...I can have a bit of a "tough" attitude, but ultimately I'm a fiercely loyal and steadfast friend, with a great appreciation (and certain weakness) for all things cute and cuddly. I've got some good leadership qualities. I can sometimes identify with Dodger's positive traits, as well as some of his mais negative ones (e.g., the selfishness, the naughtiness, the manipulative trickery...) Plus, I've alwaaaays tried to imitate his car-hopping and sweet dance moves (not literally, lol--indoors and in the backyard, mostly!)