Nail polish Club
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added by mrunalstar
added by mrunalstar
posted by Rac801
So today I thought I would share different reviews for different nail polish brands. Let's get started.
1. OPI
OPI is a little mais on the expensive side but it is a FANTASTIC nail polish. It doesn't chip easily and has a nice shine to it.
2. Essie
Essie is also a tad bit expensive (that's why I only own one color) but it has TONS of as cores from neons to pastels. It rarely chips and that's why I amor it so much. The average price is $8 U.S dollars.
3. Sally Hansen
Sally Hansen is very cheap and they too have a large variety of colors. The price shirks down to $3 U.S dollars but that may be because...
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added by AGCayla
Source: Cayla Fletcher
added by cynti19
Source: weheartit
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added by michalroger
added by bea0809
added by cynti19
Source: weheartit
added by Flowers98
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added by australia-101
added by cynti19
Source: weheartit
added by cynti19
Source: weheartit
added by cynti19
Source: weheartit
added by oHoodie
Source: B R I T I S H ♥ N A I l S
added by Nurjahan8
added by mrunalstar
added by cynti19
Source: weheartit