Michael Jackson's Blood On The Dance Floor Updates

a comment was made to the answer: He sure did look good in that video. over a year ago by ghooaw
an answer was added to this question: When you first time saw "Blood on the dance floor" what did you think of it?what were your feelings like? over a year ago by ghooaw
a comment was made to the poll: Which is the sexiest picture ? over a year ago by ghooaw
a comment was made to the poll: Ghost or Blood on the dance floor over a year ago by ghooaw
a comment was made to the poll: Is Blood on the dance floor your favorito song? over a year ago by MJ_is_my_world
a photo foi adicionado: Michael Jackson Blood On the Dance Floor over a year ago by slslocum
a pop quiz question foi adicionado: Susie got your number And Susie ain't your friend Look who ____ you under over a year ago by awsomegtax
a poll foi adicionado: Which Song Do You Like Most? over a year ago by awsomegtax
a poll foi adicionado: What Do You Like Most? over a year ago by awsomegtax
a video foi adicionado: Michael Jackson Blood On The Dance Floor Live HIStory Tour Sweden 1997 over a year ago by liberiangirl_mj
a video foi adicionado: Michael Jackson - Blood on The Dance Floor - Live - Best Definition [HD] (ZDF) over a year ago by liberiangirl_mj
fan art foi adicionado: MJJ - Blood on the dance floor over a year ago by liberiangirl_mj
an answer was added to this question: When you first time saw "Blood on the dance floor" what did you think of it?what were your feelings like? over a year ago by mjj_fanforeva
a comment was made to the answer: The first thing I noticed was how gorgeous he looked in the red clothes and he's hair braided at the back. God he's so BEAUTIFUL AND SEXY.Eternally... over a year ago by cherl12345
a comment was made to the poll: Do you wish you were the girl who Michael dances with in Blood On The Dance Floor? over a year ago by cherl12345
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: How long is botdf?? over a year ago by MJluv4ever
a link foi adicionado: Blood on the Dance Floor 15 Years Later over a year ago by mj_yana_girl
a comment was made to the photo: BoTdF over a year ago by mj_yana_girl
a comment was made to the photo: Blood on the dance floor over a year ago by cherl12345
a comment was made to the photo: BoTdF over a year ago by cherl12345
a comment was made to the photo: BoTdF over a year ago by cherl12345
an answer was added to this question: When you first time saw "Blood on the dance floor" what did you think of it?what were your feelings like? over a year ago by cherl12345
a comment was made to the photo: Blood on the dance floor over a year ago by cherl12345
a comment was made to the photo: Blood on the dance floor over a year ago by cherl12345
a comment was made to the answer: when i first saw Blood on the dance floor, it was before i knew i was in amor with Michael and attracted to him and i thought it was awesome. it wasnt... over a year ago by chokladen94
an answer was added to this question: When you first time saw "Blood on the dance floor" what did you think of it?what were your feelings like? over a year ago by chokladen94
a comment was made to the poll: Blood on the dance floor or Morphine? over a year ago by Cool_is_Gwen
an answer was added to this question: When you first time saw "Blood on the dance floor" what did you think of it?what were your feelings like? over a year ago by mjfanforever22
a comment was made to the answer: The first thing I noticed was how gorgeous he looked in the red clothes and he's hair braided at the back. God he's so BEAUTIFUL AND SEXY.Eternally... over a year ago by MJsprettybaby
an answer was added to this question: When you first time saw "Blood on the dance floor" what did you think of it?what were your feelings like? over a year ago by mjjennine
a comment was made to the fan art: BOTDF over a year ago by Helen_Jackson
a comment was made to the fan art: Blood on the dance floor over a year ago by Helen_Jackson
a comment was made to the poll: Do you like the Blood on the Dance Floor música video? over a year ago by Spazola77
a pop quiz question foi adicionado: Choose the missed word:She got your number She know your game She put you under It's so _____? over a year ago by MJsprettybaby
a poll foi adicionado: Which lyrics do you prefer? over a year ago by MJsprettybaby
a poll foi adicionado: Which is the sexiest picture ? over a year ago by MJsprettybaby
a question foi adicionado: When you first time saw "Blood on the dance floor" what did you think of it?what were your feelings like? over a year ago by MJsprettybaby