Knuxsu Wall

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Displaying wall entries 1-10 of 40

ameliarose2002 said …
OMG! I thought I was the only one who liked Knuckles and Julie-Su together! *Fan girl scream* Posted over a year ago
scougesgirl commented…
I know right over a year ago
BlazingBlaze said …
HELLO...guys...?er...anybody...?please answer!! Posted over a year ago
fanguest commented…
hello. Sorry about the lack of punctuality. This club started dying quite awhile ago. The founder is nowhere to be, well... found. over a year ago
BlazingBlaze commented…
Ah, I see...Thanks for answering anyway.<:) over a year ago
sanax1234 said …
hay,where is everyone? Posted over a year ago
fanguest commented…
I'm still here, barely but here. this place was mais packed and full of activity about a ano atrás actually. since then people started slowly dissapearing. :o over a year ago
fanguest said …
da heck. :O where is everybody? either this couple is fairly unpopular or people just seemed to mover on. nevertheless, yeah, still agree with what I said below. this couple is cute. even in the face of danger they are quite hard to separate. Posted over a year ago
fanguest commented…
creator huh? well, it happens. but still. it's a shame. over a year ago
fanguest said …
Ah, it still warms my coração to see this this club. these two are quite a pair. certainly a couple I'd admire. such amor is commendable. :] Posted over a year ago
fanguest said …
dah! I remember when this club was full of people who came back on a regular basis. Now it's almost like a graveyard with monthly visitors. Posted over a year ago
fanguest commented…
well, ther's one. wait another month. lol! over a year ago
LizzyTheCat commented…
Haha yea...people never revisit clubs. =/ over a year ago
IloveRouge18 said …
I hate Julie su but knuckles is cool. Julie is f***ed up Posted over a year ago
fanguest said …
I still support knuxsu. They make a cute couple. they would be the people I'd admire, and in a sense be jealous of. such amor is to be admired. :3 Posted over a year ago
fanguest said …
wish this club had mais activity. it's been so long since a soul has browsed this club. where's the founder I wonder. Posted over a year ago
fanguest commented…
meh... loneliness over a year ago
ShadowFangirl01 said …
a real couple they have lara-su in the comics Posted over a year ago
hedgehogfangirl said …
Boo! oi ya'll. Just re-read Knuckles The Return and got to wishing there were fã clubes for this sort of thing. of course ask and the internet shall provide! So where is everyone? I wish there were a central place for Sonic fãs to gather, we're all so spread out, someone needs to throw a Sonic convention or something (not that i'd be able to go, but the idea would at least be cool, way past[btw, why does Sonic never say that in the comic, yet it's on the cover?]) Posted over a year ago
fanguest commented…
this clubes activity has gone over the last months, like most clubes unfortunatly. most people cadastrar-se then never return again. over a year ago
fanguest said …
man, it's been a while. this club needs to be dusted off and brought back from the dead. *conjurgation spell* Posted over a year ago
shadowluvgirl commented…
i will cadastrar-se it! over a year ago
fanguest commented…
yay's ^_^ thanks! over a year ago
shadowluvgirl commented…
^^ over a year ago
mattthelynx commented…
*Confetti* over a year ago
SilverFanGirl said …
Knuxsu forever! :) SO much better than Knuxouge! Posted over a year ago
fanguest commented…
hell yeah! Knuxsu is the shiz. >:) over a year ago
SilverFanGirl commented…
ikr? over a year ago
fanguest said …
what happened? where is everyone? this club was full of life. Posted over a year ago
popzi-angel14 commented…
theirs someone BOO! over a year ago
fanguest commented…
wel atleast you guys are giving this club some life. over a year ago
fanguest said …
where's the founder of this club anyways? Posted over a year ago
fanguest commented…
sos over a year ago
fanguest said …
Pass me a torch, I'll keep this club burning. Posted over a year ago
mattthelynx commented…
*Passes a torch* over a year ago
fanguest said …
one can only guess how strong the bond is between this couple. true amor at it's finest is all I can say. Posted over a year ago
Lizzy-ILoveJB commented…
Awwwwwwwwww <3 over a year ago
Sally_Fan commented…
Knuxsu forever! <3 over a year ago
mattthelynx commented…
wadda 'bout rouge?isn't knux in amor with her? over a year ago
fanguest said …
Stay.., Alive, must keep posting. (having a coração attack) uhhh, uh... Posted over a year ago
fanguest commented…
coming back, wait... *flatline* over a year ago
Sally_Fan commented…
lol over a year ago
fanguest commented…
death makes you hungry? how weird... but cool. over a year ago
godzillaman999 said …
There is not a Knuxouge. This place means the true part, Rouge is a bat, and Knuckles is a echidna. EchidnaxBat= EPIC FAIL DUDE! Knuckles and Juile-su are echidnas. That matches. So Knuckles is with Juile-su! Posted over a year ago
fanguest commented…
amen to that. over a year ago
godzillaman999 commented…
Yup. over a year ago
SilverFanGirl commented…
AMEN! High five! over a year ago
fanguest said …
Knuxsu is a one of best couples I've seen so far. Posted over a year ago
fanguest commented…
Yep indeed. over a year ago
fanguest said …
Must keep posting... keep, club... alive. (gasping for air) Posted over a year ago
fanguest commented…
Thanks, that takes away the pain. over a year ago
fanguest said …
I don't really see any flaws in this couple now that you mention it. They're both echidnas and amor each other, what mais do you want? Posted over a year ago
fanguest commented…
What's that supposed to mean? over a year ago
fanguest commented…
then why did you say "much"? That means there's something that's insignificant but missing. over a year ago
fanguest commented…
I see your point and though it's all much true doesn't marriage and all that jazz go down when it comes to sonic universe series? over a year ago
godzillaman999 said …
Yeah, these guys are cool. Posted over a year ago
Lara-Su_Echidna commented…
100% my friend :) over a year ago
godzillaman999 commented…
Yup!:3 over a year ago
big smile
Lara-Su_Echidna said …
i'm gonna start spreading the word about it to get people motivated! Posted over a year ago
fanguest commented…
please do so mysterious hero. this club will die if this keeps up. (overdrama) :) over a year ago
Lara-Su_Echidna commented…
yes...indeed...i shall! *(stands on aleatório pedistal) this world will not go a dia longer without Knuxsu! *(heads out to spread the word) over a year ago
fanguest commented…
:) over a year ago
Lara-Su_Echidna said …
P.S. Knuxsu is the beeeeeeeeeeest couple ever!!!!!!!!! besides Lara-Su X Argyll and Jani-Ca X Silver. but i mean Knuckles and Julie-Su were made for each other! Knuxouge= BLEEEEEEEEH!!!!! Posted over a year ago
big smile
Lara-Su_Echidna said …
do not fear, fanguest! i just posted on the wall! Posted over a year ago
fanguest said …
How weird. As soon as we (And I mean you too TAK) entered this club and started posting comments everyone else stopped. I sense hate. :P Posted over a year ago
fanguest commented…
Hate to say it but I think your bad luck. either that or karma gets you every time. over a year ago
fanguest commented…
whatevs. back on subject knuxsu is awsome! over a year ago
Lara-Su_Echidna commented…
KnuxSu rules! without it Lara-Su wouldn't exist!...and that would be bad... over a year ago
fanguest said …
Hey, did club knuxsu start when nicole the lynx club started because it seems the fã counts are not so different. Just wondering. Posted over a year ago
fanguest commented…
what a shame. over a year ago
fanguest said …
Don't tell me this club is starting to die as well! Nicole the lynx it at the verge of collapse as well. Posted over a year ago
fanguest commented…
yeah but that's the requirements to stay alive. I think we need to give it mais regular visitors. por the way the last sentence was funny. over a year ago
fanguest commented…
Noo! don't let this club die!!! over a year ago
fanguest commented…
behind you all the way. over a year ago
fanguest said …
new fan, no big deal, amor Knuxsu. Posted over a year ago
Knuxsu_fan101 commented…
nuh uh-uh! i made it! over a year ago
fanguest commented…
oi Tak! I didn't know you joined this club. over a year ago
fanguest commented…
Why not might I ask? over a year ago
fanguest commented…
I understand over a year ago
Knuckles2019 said …
Knuxsu is the most kick bunda couple in Sonic history! they're both tough and bad bunda so they're the perfect couple and would win in any battle or war! Posted over a year ago
whiteclaw commented…
Rinzler shows competition though. over a year ago
godzillaman999 said …
new fan! Posted over a year ago
Alama18 said …
Echidna+Bat=EPIC FAIL, YO!
Echidna+Echidna=This was meant to be. Echidnas are meant for eachother
I amor Knuxsu! I-i AGREE WITH THE BOTTOM MESSAGE. THIS IS THE BEST COUPLE EVAA!!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
Knuckles2019 commented…
plus they already did the soul touch over a year ago
098374 commented…
she's a echidna too? that's TOO cute!!! over a year ago
MephilesTheDark commented…
Knuxikal is a bit too necro for me. ;n; over a year ago
ButtOonz said …
<33 awwwh i absolutely loves this couple ! ^^ totally meant to be .. blessh umm :') && plus,their both f**ckiinn AwesOOomeee!!! <3 LOVIIN KNUXSU!! x3 Posted over a year ago
ButtOonz commented…
Please Joiin my club link over a year ago
amy_rose12 said …
I SAY I SAY knuckles and julie su r ment for each other Posted over a year ago
Knuxsu_fan101 commented…
yay! over a year ago
098374 commented…
Defenitly!!! knux is my favorito peorson over a year ago
elenale2 said …
sorry............but i amor the colors, Red, Black, Blue, purple and White. u will see why i like those as cores if u Roleplay with me.
Posted over a year ago
elenale2 said …
continuing please read My Story Episode 1 Parts 1 & 2 and see if u like em. i just want ur opinion. please read(link ) Posted over a year ago
elenale2 said …
I amor Knuckles but Julie is not my kind of echidna. if u know what i mean. i dont like rouge and i hate the color pink. Aka. Amy and Julie color. the characters r ok but i dont fancy their skin color. i am just letting u know. oh and another thing. there is a new female echidna who will give Julie-su a run for her money. I would rather see Lien-da, Julies half sister, with Knux because she's older and smarter. she also likes to flirt with Knux. Posted over a year ago
elenale2 commented…
i amor the name. My characters name is Princess Elena Ecasta-Le. (yes same last name as Knux's mother) She's white, Sexy. beautiful, and pretty much wears the sexiest clothes of the mobian time but the catch is that she is a part of a long lost tribe called the Atlanticans. all Atlanticans are white and wear clothes similar to Tikal's tribe but they are enemies over a year ago
elenale2 commented…
She is very rich and is a Goddess. an Invincible one too. so even the rarest enenmies would go down in a flash if they challenged her. Oh she may look sweet but her talents are deadly. but not to worry she forgives and she has weaknesses. not like the normal weaknesses but u know what i mean. However she does have a few downsides to her life. A) she lost most of her family to the evil Dingoes and lobisomens and was bitten por the King's Werewolf. The most powerful Werewolf, smartest, daring, atractive, strong, rare, magical but mostly deadly. The King's Werewolf can kill a God or goddess in a matter of segundos if not spared. Luckily Elena was spared over a year ago
ButtOonz commented…
Jabus.. she sounds like Mary-ann from Trueblood .. O.o' she sounds awesome though.. Nice workk .. :) but honestly .. a lil bit of advice,i wouldnt go blabbing your ideas around without proper protection.. cos' their could be fantheifts around.. Just a warnin' dude.. wouldn't like to see that happen .. over a year ago
daina1905 said …
nice club its cool dude
Posted over a year ago
Knuxsu_fan101 commented…
thanks!:) over a year ago
daina1905 commented…
welcome over a year ago
big smile
Sonamycutiepie1 said …
I really like the banner and the club's icon! :) I'm a KnuxRouge fã but I'm also a fã for this couple. :) Posted over a year ago
Knuxsu_fan101 commented…
awesome! thank you so much for joining!:) over a year ago
Sonamycutiepie1 commented…
Your very welcome. :) over a year ago