Kingdom Hearts Rp Club
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posted by ILoveKingMickey
 King Mickey In His Organization XIII capa
King Mickey In His Organization XIII Cloak
As seen in Part 2...

"Oh no... We don't have time for you! MOVE!!" Sora cried. Hundreds of heartless creeped and crawled from every direction towards the hidden light of the dark alley. The queen paced quickly towards Sora with the others right behind her, "What?! What is it Sora...?"
"Whaaaaaghhhh!" Donald complained, "We're never going to get through this!" Sora looked over to the queen who had a peculiar expression on her face, "What's up your Majesty? If you have an idea, I'm all for suggestions." The queen looked up. "I think I know how to clean up this mess, but it's going to take a lot...
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added by K5-HOWL
posted by ILoveKingMickey
King Mickey was walking in the realm of darkness, destroying every dusk and shadow that slithered in his path. When suddenly, Organization 13 surrounded King Mickey. Axel said, "Walking in the realm of darkness alone? Kinda, dangerous, isn't it? I mean guys like us could pop up anywhere, and then what, your Majesty?" The King didn't reply, instead he summoned his keyblade and expected trouble.
"Demyx," Axel said, "what strategy do you suppose we should use?" Demyx whined, "Why did you have to call on me? You know I don't like violence!" Axel replied, "Exactly. Anyway, your Majesty, we were...
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posted by DestinyGirl
kingdom hearts
Kingdom Hearts
Okay, so.... hi! My name is Serenna and I'm a huge fã of Kingdom Hearts! ^_^ I've been composição literária for years now and I've made lots of different KH fanfics so here's one of'em! Hope you all like it!:)

Summary: In Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, after Riku defeated Ansem, he said he would someday return. And now he's back. But what is Ansem after? And who is this new, mysterious, strong girl?

~1. The Run

I jumped a good ten feet in the air, arriving softly in the dense forestry. I looked behind me, checking to make sure the shadows weren't following me anymore. I'd been running non-stop for a good...
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I turn my head, looking around this strange deserted wasteland. Aven was standing por my side, I was wondering if she could feel the unease emanating from the area. I saw her turn and face me. I shifted uneasily and looked into the abyss ahead I shudder for a moment. Aven notices and puts a hand on my shoulder, "We'll find her, I know we will James." I had a very bad feeling about this place.

We began to mover forward, fear is trapping me like a blanket. The hair on my neck is standing up. I wonder if she notices. A roar is heard from what sounds like afar, but we where right in front of it. Ice...
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In the World That Never Was, a figure came out of a Corridor of Darkness and looked at The castelo That Never Was. He smiled slyly as he walks through The Dark City and saw that Heartless was bowing to him and then Dusks appeared in front of him.

At first, he was ready to attack them but then he had the feeling that he was able to control them and when he waved his arm they disappeared.

He looked down and saw that he was wearing a black robe, veste, roupão and he continues walking in the street...

Meanwhile at Twilight Town....

Sora, Kairi, and Riku walked into the Mansion preparing for a fight from Heartless....
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added by yukiloveskaname
added by yukiloveskaname
added by yukiloveskaname
Our story begins with a wielder of the keyblade from a far off world. Being a world traveler, he had obtained knowledge of the embodiment of a person's darkness in their heart, called heartless, and a group of powerful soldiers called Nobodies. He was intrigued and vowed he would do anything to cadastrar-se their ranks. He learned from a great sorcerer named Yen-Sin that the Nobodies called their group Organization XIII, and how to become a Nobody himself. Our warrior learned that a keyblade wielder named Sora had recently defeated the entire Organization, as well as the identity of number XIV, Xion....
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posted by hiddennobodie
I have spent my years watching over my people, the Forgottens. A race like no other. They are like the Nobodies - non-existing beings with no hearts and no true feelings - only we, the Forgottens, have hearts and true feelings. But we are a super-human race. Said to have originated from the coração of all worlds and the great fonte of light, Kingdom Hearts.

I am the leader over Organization F, a powerful group of Forgottens with abilities that far surpass the norm of our kind.

Our world is known por the Forgotten Realm, and the Forgotten City is where the majority of my people reside. Light fills...
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added by YugiohFanatic1
This is for the Rp, Revelation Hearts. It's an insight for those in the Rp so you'll know a little mais about what's going on! ^_^

Kingdom Hearts . . . the coração of all worlds. The ultimate fonte of power that evil has always wanted to gain time after countless time.
But those of light, those Chosen to rise up and defend Kingdom Hearts bearing its ultimate weapon — the Keyblade, defeated the evil and saved Kingdom Hearts. And the worlds entered an era of peace.
Then, like an avenging snake, evil striked again against good.
And this time, it was far worse.
Evil forces rose up from the very depths...
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Theme song for the Rp: Revelation Hearts, I amor this version of the first ever KH song!:D Plz leave comments and tell me if you think it's a good theme or not
kingdom hearts
added by SuzutheNeko14
Sora looked at the spot where the figure disappeared "That's right! No one messes with Light! We are gonna stop you once and for all." He turned to Riku and Kairi and said "Let's go find out whats around here." They nodded and followed him to the other door.
As they entered a few Dusks appeared and Riku took them out. "We must be getting close to that thing I think." Sora said as he jumped down the stairs in front of another doorway. Kairi and Riku walked down and stood seguinte to their friend. "What's down there?" Kairi asked quietly. Sora replied "Who knows, but, we have to find out if we want...
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