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Kim Jong-woon / Yesung The most handsome in Super Junior?

45 fans picked:
 honey8 posted over a year ago
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honey8 picked YeSung:
I think i found Yesung Handsome because of his simple charm and otherwise coz of his unique personality...
posted over a year ago.
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MoOoOoN picked Kyuhyun:
kyhyun is more handsome while yesung is cute
posted over a year ago.
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gee_for_yesung picked YeSung:
YESUNGGG¡!¡!¡!¡!¡. Always, always, always, always Yesung!!!!! Saranghaeyo Oppa!!
posted over a year ago.
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flowergal16 picked YeSung:
Yesung aaallllll the wayyyyyyy!! <3<3
posted over a year ago.
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MellyJoice picked YeSung:
Of course Yesung....
posted over a year ago.
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ulzzangaegyo picked YeSung:
posted over a year ago.
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