Jack Frost - Rise of the Guardians New Spot Look!

iceprincess7492 posted on Feb 06, 2015 at 01:10AM
Hey everyone, I'm keeping this thread open for an unspecified time so we can collect as many icons, banners and motto suggestions which you can submit here!!! ^_^

Jack Frost - Rise of the Guardians 8 replies

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over a year ago iceprincess7492 said…
Icon #1
 ícone #1
over a year ago iceprincess7492 said…
Icon #2
 ícone #2
over a year ago iceprincess7492 said…
Icon #3
 ícone #3
over a year ago iceprincess7492 said…
Icon #4
 ícone #4
over a year ago iceprincess7492 said…
Icon #5
 ícone #5
over a year ago iceprincess7492 said…
Icon #6
 ícone #6
over a year ago iceprincess7492 said…
Icon #7
 ícone #7
over a year ago iceprincess7492 said…
Motto Suggestions:

1. "I'm... snowballs and fun times."

2. "My name is Jack Frost. I love being on my own. No rules. No responsibility. It's as good as it sounds."

3. "How can I know who I am, until I find out who I was?"

4. "Hi. My name is Jack Frost, and we're gonna have a little fun."

5. "You can see me?"