Jabbawockeez Club
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posted by Leytonfan4ever
Crew: Jabbawockeez
Age: 26
Hometown: San Diego, CA

How and when did your dancing career start?
When I was 11-years-old. I started breaking with my bros and my friends in Murrieta, CA.

Are you in school? If so, what is your major?

Do you have a job? If so, what do you do to pay the bills?
I am a professional dancer. That pays my bills.

What other talents do you have?
Play guitar, sing, husband.

What do you hope to gain from your 'Dance Crew' experience?
To chill and train with my crew and make my brother Gee proud of us.

Who are your own dancing idols?
Ken Swift, Crazy Legs, Stormy Mauritzo,...
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added by Leytonfan4ever
added by Leytonfan4ever
added by Leytonfan4ever
Source: Jabbawockeez.com
added by Leytonfan4ever
added by Leytonfan4ever
posted by Leytonfan4ever
Crew: Jabbawockeez
Age: 26
Hometown: Phoenix, AZ. Reside in Los Angeles.

How and when did your dancing career start?
I started at the age of 15. My best friend got me into it! Then I started teaching and decided to mover to LA to pursue my dance profession.

Are you in school? If so, what is your major?
No I am not.

Do you have a job? If so, what do you do to pay the bills?
I am a hip-hop instructor and dancer for a living. I also instruct on two dance conventions that travel to different U.S. cities on the weekends.

What other talents do you have?
I play the six-string.

What do you hope to gain...
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posted by Leytonfan4ever
Crew: Jabbawockeez
Age: 23
Hometown: Sacramento, CA

How and when did your dancing career start?
I've always danced. I grew up as a garagem dancer.

Do you have a job? If so, what do you do to pay the bills?
I dance, I hustle to pay bills.

What other talents do you have?
I'm a talented Father. I make music.

What do you hope to gain from your 'Dance Crew' experience?
I hope to get the honest, not necessarily a lot, exposure my crew deserves.

Who are your own dancing idols?
Gary Kendall, Michael Jackson back in the 80's, my crew.

What is a fonte of inspiration for your dancing career?</i>
God, my family, life.

<b>Who is your favorito fellow 'Dance Crew' member and why?

They are all my favorite, I guess.

Is there anything else that we should know?
I amor my family, my two kids, dance, life and God.
added by Leytonfan4ever
Source: Jabbawockeez.com
added by monia_ashibi
added by Leytonfan4ever
added by Leytonfan4ever
Source: Jabbawockeez.com
posted by Leytonfan4ever
Crew: Jabbawockeez
Age: 26
Hometown: Mission Hills, CA

How and when did your dancing career start?
Towards the end of high school. I thought it looked tight!

Do you have a job? If so, what do you do to pay the bills?
I'm a dancer. I teach dance and do work in the industry.

What other talents do you have?
Fight Night Round 3 on Xbox.

What do you hope to gain from your 'Dance Crew' experience?
Just to show the world what we do and keep doing. We're gonna blow up!

Who are your own dancing idols?
My crew.

What is a fonte of inspiration for your dancing career?
Music. The mixture of beats, lyrics...
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added by cena-fan
added by Leytonfan4ever
posted by Leytonfan4ever
Crew: Jabbawockeez
Age: 31
Hometown: Sacramento, CA

How and when did your dancing career start?
Approx. 1995

Do you have a job? If so, what do you do to pay the bills?
Apple Certified Technician (fix computers)

What other talents do you have?
Music producer, emcee.

What do you hope to gain from your 'Dance Crew' experience?
Actually I entered this "experience" with an open mind and am excited to see how God will mover through this venture.

What is a fonte of inspiration for your dancing career?
God, my family, Bruce Lee and my crew.

Who is your favorito fellow 'Dance Crew' member and why?
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added by IceBlosam
Video made por Mprockss007. JabbawockeeZ pay tribute to the amazing late Gary Kendall!
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added by Leytonfan4ever
Source: JabbaWockeeZ.com
added by cena-fan