House of Night Series Club
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posted by ageH0N5
My opinion about the should be on movies..this book series is like sumthing that needs to be shown to people on movies..P.C.Cast And her daughter..Kristian did a wonderful job on these series..they keep it as close to drama and realistic stuff in life.Besides the whole vampyres thing but that' the only thing that it not real about it honestly its so much like life as possible as it can get!Guys (P.C. Cast && Kristian) ya'll did GREAT! hopefully a ,movie of the series comes out..keep composição literária guys and ill keep reading!
added by sway6
added by daphne22
added by sway6
added by sway6
added by sway6
added by sway6
added by sway6
please leave comments so i no if this story sucks or not and please read it even if its not the whole story.

Chapter 1: The unexpected

Have you ever had one of those dreams, were you try and run fast but you just keep getting slower, well that's the dream I was having. This is the most strangest dream I have ever had. I was being chased por two wannabe snobs from school, Rachel was the leader from between them, who was tall with black hair tied up in to a curly mini style afro like a thick puff ball at the back of her head. she also had long, sleek legs built for running. Along side her was her...
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added by didi343
Source: Made por me
added by kalonaismyboo
Source: google procurar
HUNTED came out early at WalMart. Yes, PC is mad. NO, not at us fans!

It was awesome! Stark took a HUGE part in it, too (yay!). It had lots of Stark (YAY!!), Erik (boo!), and Heath (boo!). Kalona nd Neferet are pure EVIL, and so are the Raven Mockers. Well, they get chased away!!! Stark pledges his warrior's oath to Zoey and the CHANGES!!! Zoey then gets a theory that the red fledglings Change when they choose good over evil. Grandmah gets better, kind of. The Raven Mockers can get underground!! The Arqueiro is removed from Stevie Rae's back. Zoey gets cut from a Raven Mocker! She must return to the House of Night to be healed!!!
added by FashionInnit
Source: picnik.myself
This artigo is mainly about my opinion and perguntas for you on what happens in the future. Is you agree with any of it, please comment, if not, comment. Or if you wanna talk to me, message me anytime.


We all know that Raven Mockers came from the legden of Konla. But how did Neferet hear about the legden? Is she part of the Cherokee tribe? Or was there a book that told about the whole thing and what'll happen within the future. Do you think, when she already brought Konla and his children to Tulsa, do you think they an wipe out the whole city within one night...
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added by cherrybee365
added by shannon9396
added by allawesome
added by FashionInnit
Source: picnik, myself
added by IdeeVamp01
Source: photobucket