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HaleyDewit fórum

Topics 1-88 of 88 Author Replies Views Last Post
What WE Are Currently Watching! (UPDATED FREQUENTLY)  LovingLucy 414 25676 faz 1 mês
Banner & ícone Suggestions  HaleyDewit 5 2022 over a year ago
20in20 ícone contest special version Round 6: Stiles Stilinski/VoidStiles (due date: November 5 2018)(OPEN!)  HaleyDewit 635 38633 over a year ago
Countdown to 300 fans!!!  HaleyDewit 5 4411 over a year ago
Future ícones in Order  HaleyDewit 33 9633 over a year ago
A-Z of The Vampire Diaries  HaleyDewit 20 6795 over a year ago
teste Me!Screenshot Style!  HaleyDewit 90 27300 over a year ago
20in20 ícone Contest! The Big Bang Theory, Round EIGHTEEN Deadline is 10/1/2016!  LovingLucy 1702 115800 over a year ago
I'm the... Fan!  LovingLucy 20 3010 over a year ago
fotografia Captions!  HaleyDewit 38 8015 over a year ago
Did you know  HaleyDewit 148 11262 over a year ago
Quote Contest (Round 2 OPEN!)  HaleyDewit 36 4323 over a year ago
ícone Competition (round 2 Willow&Tara Pick is up!)  HaleyDewit 57 8163 over a year ago
SPN I Spy!  HaleyDewit 6 2909 over a year ago
Answer with the título of a song  HaleyDewit 76 7664 over a year ago
Things they'd never say  HaleyDewit 35 3497 over a year ago
Find me a picture  HaleyDewit 133 12894 over a year ago
The Eyes Have It  HaleyDewit 298 20946 over a year ago
frases por Famous People (game)  HaleyDewit 11 5119 over a year ago
TVD-I Spy  HaleyDewit 8 3569 over a year ago
Guess who  HaleyDewit 140 12292 over a year ago
teste Me-The Vampire Diaries Style (tv-show)  HaleyDewit 22 4362 over a year ago
The One Word Game  HaleyDewit 29 3653 over a year ago
teste me! perguntas Style!  HaleyDewit 105 10490 over a year ago
Picture/Screen Game  HaleyDewit 117 12709 over a year ago
Caption Contest! (Round 2 Coming Up!)  HaleyDewit 22 3410 over a year ago
Playing DJ-game  HaleyDewit 68 6723 over a year ago
teste Me-Kyle XY Style (DONE!)  HaleyDewit 86 7930 over a year ago
Song Shuffle Game  sevendeadlysins 10 2583 over a year ago
True or False Game !!  LUNAFAN 8 3399 over a year ago
A-Z of One árvore colina  HaleyDewit 25 2804 over a year ago
Guess the epi  HaleyDewit 55 6553 over a year ago
Campfire tales  HaleyDewit 3 2643 over a year ago
Usernames in Dutch  HaleyDewit 11 3262 over a year ago
English-Dutch  HaleyDewit 14 2289 over a year ago
Storytime Game  HaleyDewit 27 3321 over a year ago
Musical Contest (Round 5 Pick is up!!)  HaleyDewit 90 9992 over a year ago
A-Z of ME  HaleyDewit 121 10288 over a year ago
True or False game factual  HaleyDewit 99 7459 over a year ago
Guilty or Not Guilty  HaleyDewit 90 6550 over a year ago
13 Things Game  HaleyDewit 21 2948 over a year ago
teste Me-Charmed Style  HaleyDewit 169 13883 over a year ago
I spy  HaleyDewit 164 17376 over a year ago
AU Couples Shipping Names game  HaleyDewit 123 15630 over a year ago
HOT or NOT game..  piperleoforever 21 5785 over a year ago
Harry Potter A-Z  HaleyDewit 57 8214 over a year ago
teste Me-One árvore colina style  HaleyDewit 210 20631 over a year ago
ícone Effects  HaleyDewit 24 4705 over a year ago
Favourite Couples Elimination Game  HaleyDewit 107 12135 over a year ago
TVD "Like" Game (From the jovens bruxas section)  LovingLucy 3 2372 over a year ago
TVD Screencap Contest!  LovingLucy 16 3554 over a year ago
Last Letter Game- TVD Style  LovingLucy 11 2212 over a year ago
Literature List 2014-2015  HaleyDewit 21 3747 over a year ago
Banner&Icon Contest for my other spots :)  HaleyDewit 20 2572 over a year ago
Countdown to 350 fãs on HaleyDewit!  LovingLucy 32 3740 over a year ago
aleatório ícone Challenge (round 7: Wentworth Miller-Deadline: November 5)  HaleyDewit 26 4456 over a year ago
Banner and ícones for my new spots (suggestions)  HaleyDewit 16 2178 over a year ago
What I'm currently leitura  HaleyDewit 2 2146 over a year ago
Most Empowered Woman  LovingLucy 2 2616 over a year ago
Good Witch/Bad Witch- Regina OUAT Game  LovingLucy 3 2654 over a year ago
Just Ask!  HaleyDewit 140 11150 over a year ago
Last Letter Game- jovens bruxas Style  LovingLucy 11 3739 over a year ago
atrizes 10in10 ícone contest round 8 (deadline: January 23 '14)  HaleyDewit 506 45731 over a year ago
"A" Guesses!- A PLL Themed Game  LovingLucy 4 4974 over a year ago
200 fãs celebration ícone contest :)  HaleyDewit 13 4480 over a year ago
Banner&Icon Contest (Round 12: Empowered women)  HaleyDewit 344 30455 over a year ago
atrizes 10in10 mural of Fame  HaleyDewit 38 4495 over a year ago
Medals!  HaleyDewit 17 4162 over a year ago
aleatório ícone Challenge mural of Fame  HaleyDewit 5 2901 over a year ago
teste Me-Hermione Granger Style  McAdamsFan 14 3826 over a year ago
Ellen&Katie's Dictionary  HaleyDewit 2 3112 over a year ago
Countdown to the Deathly Hallows part 2  HaleyDewit 9 2916 over a year ago
Character Questionnaire  sevendeadlysins 6 2980 over a year ago
My Life According To:  sevendeadlysins 10 2456 over a year ago
A-Z of heroes  HaleyDewit 3 2468 over a year ago
Countdown to 100 fans!  HollyMarie 7 1677 over a year ago
teste Me-Home&Away Style  HaleyDewit 81 5324 over a year ago
teste Me-The OC style  HaleyDewit 86 6832 over a year ago
teste Me!Harry Potter style  HaleyDewit 94 7814 over a year ago
teste Me-Heroes style  HaleyDewit 1 3005 over a year ago
teste Me-Prison Break Style  HaleyDewit 76 7685 over a year ago
teste Me-Ron Weasly Style :)  McAdamsFan 4 2804 over a year ago
jovens bruxas Musical  HaleyDewit 52 5333 over a year ago
I dare  HaleyDewit 78 7116 over a year ago
Countdown to Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows part 1  HaleyDewit 50 5198 over a year ago
Banner&Icon suggestions  HaleyDewit 16 3004 over a year ago
Prison Break Discussion  LovingLucy 19 3218 over a year ago
:D  LovingLucy 12 3590 over a year ago