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‘Glee’ Season 6 Cast: New Characters – Twins, Gay Football Player | TVLine

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I remember visiting this website once...
It was called ‘Glee’ Season 6 Cast: New Characters – Twins, Gay Football Player | TVLine
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
is set to introduce at least five new characters — all of them McKinley sophomores — in its sixth and final season, TVLine has learned exclusively. The recurring newbies include:
Boss Ryan Murphy Takes Us Inside the ‘Painful’ Rachel Romance Debate
RODERICK | Chubby and shy with a voice like Otis Redding, his looks don’t match with his talent. Described as, “a true goober.” He’s the show’s new underdog.
SPENCER | He’s the new resident “football stud” who just so happens to possess an incredible voice. He’s also gay. But, per the casting notice, “he’s post-Glee gay — no one messes with him about his sexuality because he will kick their asses if they do.”
JANE | Righteous, ambitious and unconventionally pretty, she’s funny because she doesn’t have much of a sense of humor. She wanted to be a Warbler but tradition kept her from joining so she jumps ship to the New Directions.
MASON AND MADISON |  Male and female twin Cheerios. They’re super-positive and extremely weird. Mason gives off a gay vibe (spoiler alert: he’s not).
Back in June,  series co-creator Ryan Murphy told TVLine that the show will shift back to its original conceit in Season 6 — and these five roles appear to back that up.
“We’re working on the last season now, and it really feels like it’s getting back to its roots, which I love,” he shared. “I’m sort of reinvigorated about it. It’s getting back to what I was initially interested in with the show, which was arts in school. The last season is really about the importance of arts education in our high schools… I think people will like it.”
 Exclusive: Naya Rivera Returning for Final Season — But There’s a Catch
Murphy’s quotes — as well as fellow EP Brad Falchuk’s assertion to TVLine that “there will be a lot going on in Lima” in Season 6 — all but confirmed speculation that much of the action will once again take place at McKinley.
I could have sworn they were saying they were going to focus completely on the New York storylines for this final limp of a season. I guess that means all the new kids that were forgotten at the end of season 5 will be back, more or less.
On the contrary, they said they will bring the focus back to McKinley… To the roots of the show…
That’s a real shame, they should have kept the focus on the original cast and the show would have kept on going for a long time.
I am just glad they are adding a Gay character. They never have enough. Hope the gay looking guy comes out too.
Glee doesn’t have enough gay characters? They have too much: Kurt, Blaine, Unique, Santana, Brittany, and the guy from the Warblers.
Ikr! Please more white gay male cis characters. They don’t have enough on this show.
Oh, God, take the CIS talk to Tumblr where it belongs.
When did “cis” start showing up in our culture. It’s way too overused now.
While I don’t agree with this new common thing of spitting on Tumblr users (like, I’m 30 and I LOVE Tumblr), I do think your comment, Chloe is a little ridiculous. First of all, there’s no mention of the characters’ races, as far as I saw. And Glee, for all it’s major storyline holes and issues (like, why couldn’t Karofsky have been this Spencer character?), that cast is probably one of the most diverse I’ve ever seen. There are white kids, black kids, a transgender character, gay, straight, bisexual (I guess, if we’re counting Britney), Jewish and Christian kids. Like, if you want to hate on Glee, hey, I’m on board. I haven’t liked the show in years. But you can’t hate on it for a lack of diversity because for all it’s problems, that is not one of them.
actually….right before the move to full time NY in season 5 Ryan Murphy said they were going to NY for the rest of the series. of course he quickly changed his tune!
Yea, cause the new york stuff sucked… its good that they are going back to Lima.
NY story sucked cause main plot was on Lima and newbies. By the time they focused on NY the episodes were written by incompetent writers who have no clues wtf they were writing. And by the end of season 5 show lost almost all the viewers. If they had focused on original cast in NY, if they had brought Santana to NY right away ( lets be honest, before they moved Santana there, NY sucked so badly that it put people to sleep), if they had kept continuity and character growth, if they didnt make Kurt a doormat for Rachel and Blaine, if, if, if… Glee had so much potential, so much open space to grow when they introduced NY SL, but it went all to hell cause RIB didnt give 2 s**ts about the show and left it to incompetent writers. Did Corys death contribute to its fall? No. Cause show was on its last breath by the end of season 4, and then they just killed when season 5 started.
He never said that, they always aid they were focusing on New York for the remainder of the season with the POSSIBILITY of making it permanent. People just assumed that meant they were never going back.
I thought that too. I started fast forwarding through the new kids towards the last part of Season 5 ’cause I figured they didn’t care about them, why should I?
Not entirely sure why I should care about new characters being introduced in the final season of a show. :/
They show runners are completely clueless with what they want to do with the show. I remember them saying the end of season 5 and season 6 will end the high school storyline. They do that for season 5 and then ignore it in season 6?
They had 6 seasons for the show, either make up their mind with wanting to do the show in high school, or follow the old cast already.
It’s sad to see being the first season was silly and fun.
I liked Marley, Ryder and Jake. *sigh* But I will miss NYC.
Why why why are they adding so many new characters if they are going to be ending the show soon, especially if season 6 is going to be shorter. That’s where they went wrong in the first place
It’s broke, they broke in back in S4 and can’t fix it LOL
Actually they broke it way back halfway through season 1 and then continued to smash it and smash it until it was broken into several million un recognizable pieces and such a mess that they would never be able to clean it up and put it back together. It should have been tossed in the garbage a couple of years ago honestly.
Why did you keep it watching it once it reached the midpoint of Season 1, then?
That’s always been the glee motto, along with – if it’s already broken stomp it into the ground and make sure it never gets revived. This show has been a mess for a long time and if it wasn’t glee I wouldn’t believe they were doing something this dumb in their last season. Such a waste of an originally good concept
I’m guessing because a lot of the original cast doesn’t want to come back for the last season.
It’s probably because the fired the last group of Newbies fans hated, and since they are going back to the HS setting they have to have Glee Kids. I think they are also doing a time jump which prevents them from using the S4/5 Newbies
Oy. Do the producers really not understand? Well, I know its all subjective. But, I could care less about “new” characters being brought on. The show should focus on the stories of the original characters. At least, that’s my opinion. Introducing new people shifts the focus off the originals or any original character. A final season should put a cap on their stories, not introduce new ones. Oy vey. I’ll give it a shot when it returns, but this really sounds like two steps backward.
No they don’t. They had this great concept and they slowly ruined it. Ah well, 11 more episodes and we won’t have a show to complain about anymore anyway.
Honestly if they insist on including newbies again, then I think I’d much rather see these new newbies in a few episodes than the old ones. Ryder sucks and I’ve always hated the character. Jake and Marley are BORING. Unique is tired. The only newbie I want to see again is Kitty.
Once I saw the headline, I instantly knew the reaction it would get. I won’t judge anything before I see it. One of my main hopes for this final season is little to NO (preferrable) Sam and reduced Blaine/Blee. The only originals I really care about at this point are Rachel, Santana and Kurt. The rest are either gone or just exist to support the main three. So I’m not too bothered with these new newbies as long as these main 3 originals get a significant arc each. Also hope they break up Blaine and Kurt and have Kurt move on because they really don’t seem to work together IMO. Their chemistry isn’t what it once was and on my screen the affection totally comes across as one-sided from Blaine.
In the end, it really doesn’t matter what any of us thinks because the show has nothing to lose. They have a shortened final season and clearly will do what they want because all of the episodes will air regardless of the ratings already being crap and they don’t have to worry about a renewal unless miraculously they start bringing in ratings from the earlier seasons.
And they just keep adding more characters…I think nobody will watch this season…
I haven’t watched Glee in a while but this seems like an odd move. Shouldn’t they be focusing on the established characters to finish the series? I know the Lima stories got unpopular with some viewers more recently, but I’d rather see them using the characters they’ve already got to wrap things up.
Couldn’t agree more. Seems like a bad move.
What is wrong with Ryan Murphy. Glee endgame must to be about the original characters. Why he bring 5 new? And for only 13 episodes? I don’t like this.
And Ryan originally told us they would be ending the show with 24 episodes! I guess not now..
I can see Ryan Murphy continues to never learn from his mistakes.
In Ryan Murphy’s mind, Ryan Murphy has never and will never make a mistake.
Huh, what about the ones we already have. Good idea bring in 6 new people that we only have 13 episodes to get to know, and have to waste time getting to know that could be spent on other things before the end. We’ll have to wait and see.
Why are they bringing in 5 New characters if it’s the last season/ I don’t get it. :/
I guess they’re consistent at one thing: giving people what they don’t want. Kudos.
I’m kind of torn about this.However i do think Ryan Murphy did say a few months ago that the final season would not be New York based.So maybe for some reason or another everyone returns to Lima.Plus at the end of last season Sam did go back to Lima.So maybe the Glee club tries to get restarted at McKinley and everyone returns to make it happen.
Now Roderick sounds like many guys that were in my high school choir. This is the kind of ”everyman” that I’d actually encounter. Also, I think that Dalton is an academy for boys, so unless Jane used to be John, she wouldn’t be eligible to join an extracurricular at a school she isn’t attending. Ugh to the popular kids, and ugh that this rumored three showchoir showdown is likely coming to pass.
Hm, I wonder if, after making the all boys’ school co-ed, they’ll show the big ol’ mean new faculty leader reject poor widdle Jane since hashtag gleehatesgirls. That’ll show those deluded fans that their fave needs to go back in the kitchen and make me a cheesecake or face my lunch swiping wrath!
This is why viewership continues to drop and fans hate this show. We do not care about new characters. We also do not care about McKinley. The move to NYC was going well, and more characters should have been brought over to begin with. I do not want to watch the rumored Rachel, Blaine and Sam as dueling choir coaches. And there’s been ZERO indication of what Kurt and Artie are doing. Will Kurt alternate between being an assistant for Rachel and Blaine? Who cares that Kurt and Blaine have NYADA educations! And that Rachel was on Broadway! Let’s shove them back into McKinley with a bunch of screen-time sucking new characters NO ONE CARES ABOUT all because Ryan Murphy is absolutely terrible at his job. Nothing is inspiring me to watch this show when it returns in 2015. You keep driving people away, Glee. It’s the only thing you know how to do.
Oh no! Dueling choir coaches? I hope not, that sounds dreadful. :/ I was actually happy with the NYC storyline and finally started watching the show regularly again.
Yep Rachel continues Glee’s theme of returning its graduates to Lima to become Lima Losers ala Finn. The rumored SL is Rachel returns to New Directions, Shues moves on to Vocal Adrenaline and Blaine goes to the Warblers. Supposed to be a Blamchele s6 with them battling it out as rivals.
Totally. Finn wanted her to go on to greatness and she could’ve. She got to Broadway, it’s her dream (not one she thought she wanted, one she actually obsessed about all her life), she’s got crazy talent that she should be using. She’s way too young to just go back and coach a choir. She’s got no drive to be a teacher, and it bugs me that they’d think she could just step into a job like that without the love of it that Shue has. She’d help New Directions more by earning money and donating it to fund them. Sounds like Ryan’s original plan was to have Finn coaching them and Rachel decides to come back home to her man or something. Finn could’ve coached a glee club in NYC. There are a lot of inner city kids he could’ve worked with and Rachel could’ve married him while continuing to work on the stage. Still time for Rachel to find someone already doing that that reminds her of Finn and we see the show wrap up with the suggestion that one day she’d end up with him while New Directions gets revived thanks to her and the other originals’ support.
Clearly, not many people thought that the NYC setting was going well or the ratings wouldn’t have continued to decline all season to a low finale viewership. Ryan Murphy ruined this show after Season 1 and there is nothing that will fix it at this point. I also don’t understand the point of emphasizing that these characters are sophomores unless he THINKS he might be able to convince FOX to continue the show if, by some miracle, its rating go up.
I think that they should have made each season of GLEE half of a school year (2 seasons = one year) That way there would have been no problems and the show could have run with the same cast for 6 seasons.
The problem with the NY SL was that wasn’t the NY SL people had been asking for. Back in S4 when fans were begging for it everyone wanted Finn/Finchel in NY along with Kurt, Santana etc. S4 began this disaster and losing Cory made it unfixable. And the NY ratings held up and were slightly higher then the split narrative right up until they went with the brilliant move of making Rachel decide Broadway wasn’t her dream after 5 years of telling us it was. Not even Rachel fans were sticking around for that!
Totally agree with you, SJW, only I will watch those 13 episodes, if only for the last glimpses of the characters I already love.
Unpopular opinion: I think this is going to be a good move. If you think about it, whilst I do love the original characters and would LOVE for the focus to be on them this season, most characters have had about every storyline you could think of and by adding these new characters we get one good thing…a glee club. In a TV show primarily about, you guessed it, GLEE CLUBS. These new characters have to fill in gapd , I mean Sam’s gone back to Lima but what’s he going to do? Run a glee club with just the five characters left in McKinley? If that’s what Ryan Murphy intends to happen they kind of need enough characters to actually compete right
The show is no longer about a Glee Club and it was working. This is going back to something people don’t want. People want everyone to remain in NYC like they were last season.
What was working? How can you say that when the critics slammed it and the audience tuned out. The show died a thousand deaths last year…in no way was it working. The 2 Million people that watched the season finale aren’t enough to make this work
Critics didn’t slam it. It kept losing viewers because by that time people were just done. Once you hit a certain critical line the show is dead and they hit it when they continued on ad nauseum with the new kids even in season 5. Nothing could have saved glee by the time they went to NY. They could have gone out with some dignity though and now even that is not an option. Suitable for Ryan.
The critics slammed it way back in S4 and the audience started tuning out well before they went all NY. They did too much damage in S4 and fractured the fanbase too much to keep this show going. They really should have canceled it after Cory died. They lost the heart of the show when the lost him.
I agree that the show will be getting back to its roots and I like that idea. While we were all fond of the original characters, the show should have stayed focused on the original idea about A GLEE CLUB IN HIGH SCHOOL. They should have let the original cast graduate and move on with the occasional guest star visit or story follow up rather than following everyone after graduation and kept the focus on the ever changing Glee club, as high schools do. Also, with the death of Cory Montieth, Murphy and co. were not able to tell the original story they planned and had to go back to the drawing board, hence the crazy, unfocused season 5. Personally, I’m looking forward to the new season with new characters and story lines that will help bring the story full circle, no matter how unpopular that opinion may be to those who can’t let go of the original cast.
This mess cannot leave the air fast enough.
Have basically enjoyed Glee but for a show with few episodes left I don’t get this at all. I can’t imagine people wanting to get invested in them knowing the show is leaving.
If their plan is to NOT make people wanna watch, then they’re doing it right.
I see they’re trying to beat their fantastic ratings from last season. Good move. #HowLowCanYouGoGlee
I wonder what the prize is for achieving record low ratings. At least for a miserable pro sports team, once you reach a certain failure threshold, you might as well try losing to get a high draft pick. Why would it be advantageous for Glee to be on #TeamTank?
Spencer should have been Karosky after he came out.
I guess if they are focusing on Lima they HAVE to fill in the blanks with some kind of choir. They can’t have the originals come back as competing show choir coaches without a choir!
Are you deliberately missing the point? The whole concept is idiotic. You go to NYC to return to a place you were desperate to leave to coach choir?
Nope, I’m not missing the point at all. We don’t know why they all ‘return to Lima”, so just wait and see before you start judging.
Well Rachel is going back cause Broadway is not her dream anymore and well that TV career she wanted tanked into the depths of the ocean and joined Titanic. Sam achieved his dream by appearing half naked on the bus so he is going back to Lima. I’m guessing Blaine is going back to Lima cause he wanted to surround himself with pretty boys. He probably guilt trip Kurt to come with him with something, making Kurt give up his dream and become a professional doormat for him and Rachel. Who the hell knows why Artie is going back to Lima, probably some sort of a rehab from all those STDs he has, so he needs a place to lick him wounds, or something like that.
I have to say that this is probably the most accurate description of what to expect in season 6.
Please God this season never gets to actually air and will instead go straight to DVD where most of us can then just ignore it’s very existence. Pity that couldn’t also have happened for seasons 4 and 5.
Can’t wait to see how they will finally destroy the last bit of characterization that Rachel and Kurt have!
Why should any decent actor/singer waste their talent on a terrible show like this? Plenty of them already did.
The last time they tried to reboot the choir room with bunch of strangers it was a horrible mess with bland retread characters and all the same high school stories repeated, so let’s spend our final shortened season on another try at that except same thing instead of sending off the few remaining decent characters well.
I’m of the opinion that Glee should have never left McKinley and Lima. While I enjoyed the NYC stuff, it really should have been it’s own spinoff show as it really wasn’t the focus of what the show was originally intended.
Agreed. To me, Glee ended in S3. It was a good send off and very open ended for all the original characters. And I’m already being generous with that.
Hated the last set of Newbies, not interested in a new set. I think I’ll continue to live in a Glee World that ended in S3 where Finn & Finchele are alive and well in NY!
Okay first they cut the final season of glee nearly in half now they’re introducing five brand-new characters in the final season this seems to be a disservice to the original cast members and the fans that Have been with the show from the beginning to basically not give us a chance to give our favorite characters the good bye they deserve I mean in this final season shouldnt we be focusing on the core characters instead of a bunch of newbies nobody cares about and has no reason to be invested in since this is the final season
How on earth is this show still relevant for front page news ? Dont they barely crack 2 million viewers a week now ?
So, New Directions is back? Okay then. I’m guessing that means Rachel will be filming her show in Ohio (to be realistic to the source material of her life), Sam is also back in Ohio to rebuild New Directions with Will, Mercedes, Brittany and Santana will be travelling so they will no doubt pop for at least an arc or two before the finale. Kurt and Blaine will return to plan their wedding, and Artie will also begin his feature film debut (possibly a documentary) on his home town, and how it shaped his and so many young people’s lives and futures. Presumably Marley, Unique, Kitty, Ryder and Jake will be back on a regular status for their senior year. Series finale will feature all these characters, the new ones, as well as Quinn, Puck, Mike, Emma, Beiste, Sue, Figgins, Tina, which will be shown through Artie’s film on how it all turned out for them, before New Directions past and present, all sing Don’t Stop Believin’, in which they all have a verse.
I know this is sarcastic, but that actually sounds pretty good
The actors that played Marely, Jake, Unique and Ryder were not asked back to the show. The only returning regular cast is Lea, Darren, Chris, Chord, Kevin, Matt & Jane. Amber, Naya and Jenna were all put on recurring and the Newbies were released from their contracts. There is supposed to be a time jump of a few years.
There is supposed to be a time jump of a few years so no Marley, etc. I would also guess that means that Rachel’s show has come and gone, probably with a lot of success and she is home taking a break and that is when she helps Sam re-launch ND. Will is supposed to be with Vocal Adrenaline as coach and I agree with you about why Blaine & Kurt are home – planning their wedding because they both have graduated college and end up helping out the Warblers. I also agree with you about Artie. He will be back in town doing a documentary
I stopped watching during S4 because I got bored with the new student characters back then.
They should have either leave McKinley behind and moved on with some of the characters exclusively to NY.
Or they should have gone the FNL route and release old characters into the wild for good and systematically introduce new chars every year with Morrison as anchor.
Might well give space to Mercedes, Artie, Mike, Quinn and Puck, instead of always insert new characters. No comment.
“Post-Glee gay”? Wow, that is some inflated ego. Are they really so arrogant that they actually think they have changed the landscape of American high schools and abolished bullying? This show hasn’t even meant anything to pop culture since about the second season, let alone made any kind of difference in the real world.
And what a way to completely insult the first and most significant gay character on Glee. McKinley was a living hell for Kurt, where he was bullied, abused and ignored because he was a capital G Gay. Then Blaine comes along and seems to suffer nothing at McKinley because he was the “right” kind of gay (i.e. straight passing). That continued on in NY where Blaine got all the prizes while Kurt has to console himself with the crumbs.
Now we get another “right” kind of gay boy who is tough enough that no one will mess with him. Great.
Nobody cares about the first bunch of new kids. Shortened season. Solution? Bring back the old ones back to Lima, to be the new Lima losers and add even more new kids nobody gaf about. Logic. Where have you gone.
Oh, yes, this is going to work so well, Ryan Murphy. I mean, the last batch of newbies were so popular, let’s dump them and bring in a new batch of newbies. Only Ryan Murphy is egotistical enough to think that the heart of Glee is his precious concept of a high school Glee Club. It’s not, Ryan. The heart and soul of the show was always the magical season one (pre-Blam and pre-newbies) cast. Only Ryan Murphy would think that leaving talent like Matt Morrison, Chris Colfer, and Lea Michelle out of episodes, or limiting them to a couple of scenes an episode would be a good thing.
From what I understand, RM went into the show believing that the major draw would be the the teachers and interconnected adults, which is likely why S1 and parts of S2 were so chock full of Terri, her sister, Mr. Ryerson. etc. It had to be obvious to anyone with eyes, that where the adults provided some adjunct humor, the draw for viewers was the original Glee kids.
Viewers tuned in to see how the bonds the Glee kids formed and their growth as a group allowed them to become national champs and bring Glee back in all it’s glory. Someone at Fox realized this enough to force two concert tours and a movie out of the show during what was supposed to be the casts season break. How RM could not grasp this is beyond me. It’s almost as if he resented the cast’s popularity b/c it contradicted his vision for the show, so instead of feeding what made the show work, he spitefully gave up and focused his energy on other shows, leaving Glee in the hands of writers who then attempted to continue the series with weekly theme shows, forced PSA’s, special guest stars, tribute episodes, and re-tread storylines. Meanwhile, they gave zero attention to character development, continuity of characters/storylines, or the focus on the cohesiveness of the group of originals that brought the show success in the first place. That is what killed the show.
Once the effect of this pathetic direction started taking hold, viewers interest started to wane and original cast members, were left to question the direction of the show and TPTB’s appreciation of their efforts to build the show. Some jumped ship (Dianna), some acted out and were sidelined Naya) and many stuck it out, only to be sidelined by NoOneCurrs Cookie Cutter Newbies for a majority of the following season. Still no one in power considered return to the core of the show or hell, maybe someone mentioned it, but by this time it was way too late in game. Cory’s unexpected death only hastened the show’s demise with even more momentum and chaos, since he was the male lead placed on the pedestal by RM and was, as previous poster stated, the true heart and soul of the cast on and off the show. Sounds like this last season will continue the show’s inevitable freefall.
We don’t want the new f-ing characters!! Find happy endings for the ones you already have and forget the new characters.
I am not surprised that Ryan Murphy still doesn’t get it. Without Finn Hudson as the heart of Glee, the show, is just an empty shell of its former self. This is the man who was going to have Finn stay in Lima and have Rachel just go back home to him after all of her glory of being a “star” on her own after how many years? That was his “wonderful” ending. Never mind the fact that more than anything Finn wanted to get out of Lima too so he could be a star in his own right whether it was as an actor or a teacher. Real life changed everything of course. But RM still thinks he can salvage a show that has no heart. Good luck to him.
As far as I’m concerned glee ended after Nationals when we still had the hope of Finn and Rachel in NYC together with Kurt and Blaine and Brittany and Santana. Thank goodness for fan fiction.
Why. Just… why. To all of this. Why. Who cares about a bunch of newbies? Just wrap up the stories for the existing characters and call it a day. For f’s sake, Glee.
So the final season is going to focus on totally new characters. Seems like a totally sound plan. Cannot find fault with it.
Just wanted to love the last season with the WONDERFUL cast you already have, Ryan. It’s never been the place, but the people and their relationships with each other that we cared about. They could have been singing on the moon or a deserted island. It’s the CHARACTERS that we love, don’t you get that? I don’t want new characters for 13 episodes. I will only watch for Kurt, Blaine and Rachel.
Again in Mckinley, dear God! I’m starting to think we’ll see a time jump, with the original cast in their late twenties and all, in different ways, inspiring new talents. I already miss New York.
THIS ! I wanna see the orginals all grown up doing their thing insted we get a reboot of “high school muscial with ryan and sharpay” and Ryans dream gay footballer. ugh there are only 13 episode left how about focus on the characters we the fans who are left (and there are not that many of us left want)
the people in charge of this show really really don´t get what the fans want do they or they just don´t care.
“… I think people will like it.” Well, you would be wrong a-hole. Oh, so very wrong.
Also since Santana has been reduced to a guest star why don´t we have a gay cheerleader instead of a gay football player (karofsky anyone) that would be a twist at least.
Having another queer character in RM show that is not pretty white boy? Have you lost your mind?
I don’t think these “new” newbies will get that much focus. The entire arc of S6 13 eps is ‘arts education in schools’ and the originals coming back to Lima to “give back”. Since they will be acting as show choir coaches, it will most likely (hopefully) focus on them getting arts back into the schools and NOT on these insignificant characters that no one wants to see!!!! Also, Ryan Murphy may change his mind AGAIN, and we may not see these characters….
Oh no – not ANOTHER batch of bland and boring new McKinley students (Marley, Jake, and co. were bad enough)! I really wish the writers would just focus on the core characters like Rachel, Kurt, Santana and Co. for this final season. I was already disappointed to hear that the show would go back to Lima and McKinley (I wish they’d just kept going with the NY arc) but I’m even less excited now that I know they’ll be shoving another bunch of unwanted characters down our throats – and they will probably all take screentime away from the characters we actually want to see. Maybe I’ll just skip the last season entirely.
What a stupid idea. The roots of this show isn’t a high school building, it’s the original cast. I haven’t watched the show in two years, but was considering tuning back in for the final season in the hope that it would focus completely on the original cast. There’s no way I’ll be watching one season of newbies.
Glad to know you know EXACTLY what Season 6 will be about. LOL
I agree 100%, was really looking forward to Glee going back to it’s roots (original cast), I’m very disappointed to hear about so many new main characters. I’ll watch the episodes in which the original characters are featured and that’s it.
Yooooooooo glee forummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm if yo reading this then u a hot ass mofo and ily <3
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