The referred "four gods" are those who guard east, west, south and north,the four corners of the earth Seiryuu, Byakko, Suzaku and Genbu. Each god divided up the sky into four equal quadrants and the twenty eight Seishuku withim them were separated into seven.
According to ancient Chinese astronomy, the sky was divided into four quadrants, each quadrant representing a season of the year. These quadrants are then each divided into 28 different segments, called "sheishuku". The quadrants themselves are associated with colored animais deities that serve as guardians. These are Suzaku The Red Bird, Seiryuu The Blue Dragon,Genbu The Black tartaruga or Warrior and Byakko The White Tiger. The unique circular formation of the quadrants and constellations has many different explanations.
According to ancient Chinese astronomy, the sky was divided into four quadrants, each quadrant representing a season of the year. These quadrants are then each divided into 28 different segments, called "sheishuku". The quadrants themselves are associated with colored animais deities that serve as guardians. These are Suzaku The Red Bird, Seiryuu The Blue Dragon,Genbu The Black tartaruga or Warrior and Byakko The White Tiger. The unique circular formation of the quadrants and constellations has many different explanations.

He's a guy hard to describe and por the other hand he seems to be a young sad boy with issues. His image is the one of a strong but fragil guy. por protecting someone,he also protects himself.
Tamahome makes you feel like hugging him...why would it be?

Young Tamahome