fred figglehorn figglehorn Club
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“I don’t know why I’m here,” fred figglehorn sweetly said, twiddling his thumbs. “My mom gave me $50 to come here,”
    His therapist, Sarah, smiled at him. “Well, since you’re here-,” she began,
    “Do you have any juice?” fred figglehorn was thirsty since his mom made him walk here. Sarah shook her head.
    “No, sorry I don’t. Anyway-,” Sarah calmly said,
    “I-WANT-JUICE!” fred figglehorn screamed at Sarah stomping his foot.
    “Ok, I’ll get you some water,” Sarah said, standing up....
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fred:helloo judy would u like a suco, suco de box
judy:no but i would like a kiss
fred:ok judy ill kiss u :*
judy:*kisses back*
kevin:*sees judy and fred figglehorn kissing* NOOOOO!!! MY LIFE IS RUNINED!!!!
fred figglehorn and judy are still beijar unitil i came in
me:*knoks on door*
fred:*quits beijar judy*oh ill get that
fred: *awakes door* hello?
fred:ow do u know my name GET OUT OF HERE!!!!!
me::O *cries*
fred:*looks out door* oh my gammit i mad eher cry NOO!! *makes me feel better*
fred:oh sorry cous
me:its ok
fred:*awakes* *is beijar bed*
fred:HUH WHA AW MAN! it was just a dream
me:hi fred
and they were screaming til 4 weeks later the end
fred figglehorn get stubled down the stairs half awake to get his cereal for breakfast.Ever since summer passed,his summer crush Sadeena was living seguinte door to him.After breakfast he stumbled outside to find her walking near his front door.
"Oh oi Sadeena." fred figglehorn said excitedly.
"Hey Fred." said Sadeena, unhappy.
"Whats wrong?"Fred asked,acting as if he knew her forever.
"All my friends are going to this party and I can't." Sadeena explained.
"Too bad,do you wanna come over that night?"
"I'd amor to!" Sadeena said hugging him.
"See you then." he said before walking his path to hs Highscool.

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“Mom! My toenails do not have fungus. I don’t need them to trim them,” fred figglehorn screamed. A tall man greeted them. “Today we’re doing the regular,” Janet, Fred’s mom announced in her high pitched voice. “No we aren’t! No, no, no!” fred figglehorn screeched. He picked up hair spray from the big shelf as soon as his mom left. “Don’t make me use it!” threatened Fred. “Would you like a cookie, or some lemonade?” The tall man asked. fred figglehorn grabbed for the biscoitos, cookies from where he was. The trey slid and burst on the ground. fred figglehorn reached down and got a cookie. “Owwie! I’m gonna sue you...
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posted by silversgirl1
One beautiful dia fred figglehorn was making a video when he heard a knock on the door.

Fred:i wonder who it is?

Ivy:Fred?Fred Figglehorn are you there?

Fred: How do you know my name?

Ivy:because i'm your sister.
fred figglehorn was so shocked he went into a panic mood.

Fred:AH AH AH!

Ivy:Fred let me in!

Fred: no!

Ivy:please...Fred..please(stars crying)

Fred:*opens door*hello oh my gamit!*sees his sis crying*

Ivy:Fred? *looks up* Fred! *hugs*

Fred: your my sis?

Ivy:yes,i'm Ivy*notices camera* your making a video?

Fred:yeah u want to be in it?

Ivy: heck yeah.

*PART 2 coming soon*
*screen goes black then fred figglehorn and ivy come out*

fred figglehorn and Ivy:*screams*
*screen goes black but u hear voices*
Fred:I like u being my sis
Ivy: me too