I don't know if the site's just stagnant and people aren't viewing the content or if Firefly fãs just don't like to rate things. It seems to be across the board too. Images, videos, links. Not very many ratings unless it's several months old. I find that very sad.
Personally, I'd like to know whether or not the content I add is appreciated. I don't add it for myself, I add it to share it with other fans. If you don't like it, let me know por giving it a low rating! Let people know what you think.
The other thing is that I don't think there's enough discussion on picks. I usually make a pick in order to incite a discussion about that topic, but it just seems not too many people actually comment on picks in this spot.
We need to dust this site off and show our enthusiasm for Firefly! We're still Browncoats aren't we?