Female Sonic fã Characters Club
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The Template:

One of the first rules in creating a fancharacter is to always outdo the official characters in description. Provide a lot mais information and statistics than what is commonly offered in the bios of the official characters. (Which in the case of Sonic the Hedgehog isn't much, luckily.) This makes your fancharacter interesting. So what I am first going to offer is a very suitable template of information fields to fill out for your creation. You will notice that there are quite a lot of fields to fill information in. Doing this descriptively and originally is the key to making...
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posted by scougesgirl
Name: Ashton Jade Moon
Nicknames: Moon or Ash
Age: we think I'm about 17
Species: lobo
Gender: female
Height: don't know
Weight: don't know
Marital Status: taken
DOB: 2/27/ unknown
Birth Place: the ark
Residence: I'm kind of a gypsy
Occupation: working for G.U.N
Social Class: I don't know
Economic Class: I don't have any rings
Alignment: none
Top Speed: 290 mph
Agility - 34
Speed - 40
Strength - 35
Defense - 37
Evasiveness - 40
Dexterity - 24
Intelligence - 40
Skill - 32
Special Attacks: fogo kick, ice storm, moon beam, jade punch, chaos blast, chaos control
Abilities & Aptitude: good with weapons
Hobbies &...
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posted by scougesgirl
Ashton: I got to go.
Shady: why? Me and Eric wanted to ask you to cadastrar-se the swim team.
Eric: Jackson blackbird Tomas. I said I would ask her.
Shady: sorry.
Ashton: I've got some place to be. Bye.*runs off* ( close call, rouge would kill me.)
With shady and Eric
Shady: I want candy.
Eric: hers a store.
*both walk in. Sees Ashton in a maids outfit.*
Ashton: *eyes are closed* welcome to doces store. Take a look around and see what you like. *opens her eyes* omg. Y'all can't be here.
Shady: why?
Ashton: rouge said no friends allowed. mover or in fired.
Eric: okay. Okay.
Next dia
Sonic: wheres Ashton going all...
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