When he suffers the consequences and loses everything he holds dear, she will give all she has to offer.
When he can't stand on his own, she will teach him how to walk again.
When he burns down the past in the name of making a future, she will salvage the memories worth keeping.
When he has no início and no light to pierce the darkness, she will provide hers.
When he leaves, she will wait for his return.
When he wavers, she will hold him steady.
When he struggles with demons, she will fight with him.
When he won't listen to reason, she will knock some sense into him.
When he breaks, she will fix it and forge it stronger.
When he refuses to cry, she will wash his pain in her own tears.
When he cannot amor himself, she will.
And when he finally conquers the odds, she will be there to say:
"Idiot. Welcome back."

And when he offers her half his life, she will give him ALL of hers. Because true love can't be bound by the laws of Equivalent Exchange. <3 God, I love this couple...
The train rumbled along, on its way to Rush Valley. Winry and Alphonse sat in silence as Ed snored away. Winry glanced over at him. He’s so cute when he’s asleep, she thought. Just seeing the young alchemist made her smile.
Winry stretched and yawned. Watching Ed sleep was making her tired, too. She sat back in the train assento and dozed off. As she slept, her head moved onto Ed’s shoulder. She put one arm across him, and Ed unknowingly hugged her closer.
Al watched this all through his white soul eyes. If he had been able to show expressions on his metal face, he would have been smiling.
“We’re here,” Al said sometime later. Winry and Ed’s eyes opened. They noticed each other’s positions and jumped away quickly, both blushing hotly. Al chuckled. “Let’s go, lovebirds.”
“Shut up!” Ed and Winry said simultaneously. But, if only for a second, their hands were intertwined as the trio moved off the train and into the station.
Winry stretched and yawned. Watching Ed sleep was making her tired, too. She sat back in the train assento and dozed off. As she slept, her head moved onto Ed’s shoulder. She put one arm across him, and Ed unknowingly hugged her closer.
Al watched this all through his white soul eyes. If he had been able to show expressions on his metal face, he would have been smiling.
“We’re here,” Al said sometime later. Winry and Ed’s eyes opened. They noticed each other’s positions and jumped away quickly, both blushing hotly. Al chuckled. “Let’s go, lovebirds.”
“Shut up!” Ed and Winry said simultaneously. But, if only for a second, their hands were intertwined as the trio moved off the train and into the station.