Edward-Bella-Jacob Why cant we choose between Edward and Jacob?

twilovers posted on Jun 05, 2008 at 04:29PM
^^^ look at Q.

I think we cant choose because they are both great charters and some of us just cant see why some people hate Jacob and admires Edward or why that admire Jacob and hate Edward. I love them BOTH!

Edward-Bella-Jacob 4 replies

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over a year ago cowgirlfromhell said…
I love both of them too!! They're both great but I love Jake a litle bit more than Edward. Most Jacob lovers like both of them and most Edward lovers don't like Jake at all!!

I don't like Bella though.
over a year ago twilovers said…
I know she is slow...lol
over a year ago mrsblack_1089 said…
God, I don't know! I've been forced to think about that in Eclipse especially at the end, but I def like jake more than edward, except jake is pushy sometimes and edward is overprotective (ahem...BD chapter 1 'missle proof windows??? thats too extreme for me thanks very much.) but its still sweet of him to care so much while i think that jake doesn't care about anything anymore.
over a year ago reddoner said…
I have to say that i ike both jake & edward..it is really hard to chose..but i would have to go with edward..the love between both bella and edward is epic..