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dita von teese Which is braver of Dita?

32 fans picked:
Taking her clothes off in front of people.
Wearing corsets.
 misanthrope86 posted over a year ago
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cowgirlfromhell picked Taking her clothes off in front of people.:
Even though that corset looks horrible and kind of scary! *shivers*
posted over a year ago.
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slytherin360 picked Taking her clothes off in front of people.:
i love corsets :)
posted over a year ago.
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vider69 picked Taking her clothes off in front of people.:
Taking her clothes of, but everything Dita does is pretty eccentric.
posted over a year ago.
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snowwhitesilver picked Wearing corsets.:
Those things break ribs!
posted over a year ago.
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wooedwithroses picked Taking her clothes off in front of people.:
neither but if i had to choose
posted over a year ago.
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