The fans pick: I like her! A Medieval Scottish princess,so cool!
The fans pick: She seems relateable yet nearly perfect at the same time.
The fans pick: ancient chinese cuisine
The fans pick: Yes,the Beast became a better person through Belle
The fans pick: Stepmother's bedroom
The fans pick: Belle, Ariel, Cinderella, Jasmine, Aurora
The fans pick: aladdin - Least favorito Prince
The fans pick: Spiderman and Rapunzel
The fans pick: Pocahontas & John Smith
Pocahontas & amp; John Smith |
The fans pick: #2 Tiana's
The fans pick: Aurora's peseant dress
The fans pick: Tiana and mulan
The fans pick: No, Belle was the first.
The fans pick: Pocahontas
The fans pick: opinion artigo (about stories/princesses/blahblah)
The fans pick: knows how to fight,also super smart
The fans pick: A Bela e a Fera
The fans pick: Belle- average sized, amêndoa shaped, brown-green hazel
The fans pick: Spain, Spanish Princess
The fans pick: Pocahontas 2 ruined the original for me.
The fans pick: I like Tangled, but I wish disney would go back to traditionally animated films.
The fans pick: to have an adventure and save her father
The fans pick: I hate how much attention enrolados gets, when PATF hardly gets any.
The fans pick: Ariel didn't give up everything for Eric. She wanted to be a human before that.
The fans pick: kida- funny,smart,exotic,whats not to love?
The fans pick: The lantern scene in enrolados is one of the most beautiful disney scenes
The fans pick: boolander25
The fans pick: She seemed a bit spoiled,and had a temper.ran away though it would worry her dad
The fans pick: Stepsisters' bedroom
The fans pick: The Princess and the Frog
The fans pick: Aurora 5'6
The fans pick: Ariel, undersea palace to 19th century palace in Denmark
The fans pick: Maybe a little, but not enough to feel she did the wrong thing.
The fans pick: Aishwarya Rai Bachchan
The fans pick: amanda seyfried
The fans pick: Eats comida from a strange woman at her door
The fans pick: nina dobrev
The fans pick: Anika Noni Rose, herself
The fans pick: bryce dallas howard
The fans pick: Fa Zhou & her family
The fans pick: Her people
The fans pick: Signed her life away to a Sea Witch.
The fans pick: Sultan & Rajah
The fans pick: OH YES! Her voice is too beautiful for him to resist
The fans pick: Yes, my eyes have been cursed por some sort of sorcery.
The fans pick: The 3 good fadas
The fans pick: Jaq, Gus, & the rest of her animal friends
The fans pick: The dwarfs & her animal friends
The fans pick: I've learned that you can't argue with close-minded people.
The fans pick: To me the DP symbolize how the girls should act: putting others before yourself
The fans pick: "Belle Reprise” describes my dreams exactly. I cry when I listen to it.
The fans pick: I like the way the DP look. I never felt pressured por disney to look like them.
The fans pick: I don't care if mulan isn’t a princess. She'll always be one of my role models.
The fans pick: From the front, Pocahontas’ nose reminds me of Lord Voldemort’s.
The fans pick: Beauty and the Beast (by Celine Dion and Peabo Bryson)
The fans pick: Princess Ariel
The fans pick: I feel bad that Pocahontas, mulan and jasmim are never on as much DP merchandise
The fans pick: I wish I could wear one (or more) of the DP dresses.
The fans pick: I like Tiana but I didn’t like that she was in frog form for most of the film.
The fans pick: I hope someday I can be an inspiration for a future disney Princess.
The fans pick: disney filmes made me a hopeless romantic.
The fans pick: Yes, Pocahontas always gets the attention and the men.
The fans pick: Jasmine's bedroom
The fans pick: jasmim & aladdin
The fans pick: Yes! The couple...
The fans pick: Mrs. Potts
The fans pick: No, my favorito disney villian is...
The fans pick: Yes! Princess...
The fans pick: No, my favorito disney male is...
The fans pick: Yes! The song...
The fans pick: Intelligence