The fans pick: Winter Aurora
The fans pick: Snow White and mulan
The fans pick: meh...sometimes
The fans pick: Maybe a little...sometimes
The fans pick: Of course!
The fans pick: girls day(as mermaids)
The fans pick: have a picnic in the woods with her
The fans pick: Make/paint her something special
The fans pick: Bring her flores or a special gift
The fans pick: Fix her a nice meal
The fans pick: Everything!
The fans pick: POCAHONTAS
The fans pick: No(give reasons)
The fans pick: Drama queen
The fans pick: Drama queen
The fans pick: JONH SMITH
The fans pick: where do i go from here
The fans pick: As you wish!
The fans pick: 5 - Cinderella´s ball vestido
The fans pick: None of them, sorry.
The fans pick: certainly!!!!
The fans pick: Snow White and jasmim
The fans pick: boolander25
The fans pick: That's nice. Marie! The baguettes! Hurry up! - TheCrystalRing
The fans pick: BelleAnastasia
The fans pick: Sometimes; she should be fetured with both
The fans pick: Sometimes; she should be fetured with both
The fans pick: Yes, ...(name of the movie) should've had another ending
The fans pick: I'm not sure
The fans pick: Of course!
The fans pick: Of course!
The fans pick: BelleAnastasia
The fans pick: Prettiest shot
The fans pick: I don't really care
I don&# 39; t really care |
The fans pick: ROUND 3 Dimitri-96
The fans pick: BelleAnastasia
The fans pick: PRINCE ERIC
The fans pick: jasmim and aladdin
The fans pick: Most handsome: John Smith
Most handsome: John Smith |
Most beautiful: Pocahontas |
The fans pick: Best voice: Ariel
Best hair (shape): Aurora |
The fans pick: MegaraRider
The fans pick: And as you sweep the room imagine that the vassoura is someone that you - BB2010
The fans pick: SNOW WHITE