These superheroes crossed the line in the name of peace. Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the most shocking, brutal, and heartbreaking moments when superheroes and anti-heroes took the baddie’s life in films...
Leave room for evil laughter! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re looking at movie supervillain monologues that gave us an insight into their twisted minds and let their respective heroes know just how dangerous they could be.
Even superheroes choose poorly sometimes! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the stupidest decisions made por heroes across movies, TV shows, and comic books. Some spoilers may be ahead...
It appears that James Gunn's upcoming super-homem movie will tackle the somber tone of "Man of Steel" por infusing it with comedic touches. The addition of Beck Bennett to the cast suggests a mais lighthearted and jovial take on the iconic character...
These heroes summoned the power of the gods to accomplish incredible feats! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the topo, início 10 Times Superheroes Went God Mode
Michelle Pfeiffer's rendition of Catwoman in batman (1989) stands as the definitive live-action portrayal, her performance in batman Returns enduring as a fã favorite. Despite this, Pfeiffer never revisited the role...
Achieving a delicate balance between honoring comic book authenticity and embracing cinematic realism is paramount in ensuring that superhero costumes resonate deeply with fans. Memorable reveals of iconic ensembles...
None of its actors are returning for the new DCU's Justice League. fã favoritos for the new Justice League include Alexandra Daddario as Wonder Woman, Glen Powell as Green Lantern, and Jensen Ackles as Batman.
Clay Staub criticized David Corenswet's super-homem suit, finding it bulky and rubbery in the released image. fãs are dividido, dividir on Corenswet's costume, with differing opinions. Additional imagens and footage from James Gunn's Superman...
Grant Gustin, renowned for his portrayal of The Flash in the Arrowverse, responds to rumors surrounding his potential casting in the DC Universe following a conversation with James Gunn.
Superheroes sometimes bring supercringe! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the most awkward and embarrassing moments in superhero flicks
Winston Duke, an actor with a history in Marvel films, expresses eagerness to step into the role of the seguinte live-action batman within James Gunn's DC Universe.
Are comic book filmes a dying breed — or is the golden age of superheroes just getting started? If 2025 is anything to go by, things could be looking rosier than you might think.
Heroic feats don't come easy! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for topo, início 20 superheroes who are best in close combat. Our countdown includes superheroes Iron Fist, Natasha Romanoff, Moon Knight and more!
In the brief span of a few precious minutes, filmes must captivate their audience, but superhero films face an even greater challenge: they must strive to keep viewers utterly engrossed.
In a recent interview, Zack Snyder disclosed the reason behind the decision for batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice to succeed Man of Steel in the DCEU, rather than opting for a direct sequel.
The stage is set for the DCU to take cinema por storm. Although still in the early stages of development and with only a few projects announced, James Gunn and the minds behind the DCU have an opportunity to truly achieve success...
The DC Universe just did what we thought was not possible! In this video, CBR looks into into the unexpected decision por the DC Universe to make its blockbuster films, including "Wonder Woman" and "Shazam," available for streaming on Disney+.