Dave Chappelle Wall

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Displaying wall entries 1-10 of 13

dan1961 said …
An old friend of Richard Pryor, I’m a 60 ano old Caucasian
male. Dave I’ve always been a fan. I wanted to reach out to
say thank you for what you do and what you stand for. I
would amor to see what Rich would have had to say about
what’s going in current times.

Again, thank you!
Dan Posted over a year ago
44mash44 said …
it's taken me 20 years to get here... thank you for all the tears of joy... giant amounts of respect... the most common ground I have found in my coração in this world is hope... I would like to share it with ya so you can continue to help people go from being bummed out as fuck to pissing themselves laughing... not that ya need any of my help but if or when shit happens to hit the fan, lean on this one... thank you again for being you... Posted over a year ago
Btful_Sharon said …
Dave, I just saw the SNL show. You are unbelievable...still at the topo, início of the game. Thanks so much from a Baltimore Filipina American. Posted over a year ago
Lifeis said …
but actually seeing that person express them so well is a real medication of and for coração and soul. So instead of directly thanking Dave, thanks everything else. Posted over a year ago
Lifeis said …
Thank you everybody who has existed and will, thanks nature and rock. Thanks science and religion. I got to experience Chappelle you all and it all contributed to that. He is just matter and i guess a consciousness with a soul. I got one two maybe and most people may also. It really isn't a big deal logically to imagine someone who can get the passion, blatant ironies or whtvr Posted over a year ago
j333thompson commented…
I am convinced that Dave Chappelle is the best comedian on the planet, and an intellectual genius to boot. But Islam? Seriously? God speaks to some illiterate warlord in Arabia, and this warlord takes a magical ride on a magical horse to heaven to meet the angel Gabriel to receive the final word of God? Give me a break! How can any intelligent person really believe this. And apparently, Dave Chappelle adopted this nonsense because it was not the white man's Christianity! Ok, Dave. I get the rejection of the white man's Christianity, but that still does not make the nonsense of islamismo a reality. And I am amazed that an intelligent person like you could so easily buy into such religious nonsense simply because you think it is anti-white. That doesn't make it real. And it doesn't make it true. over a year ago
alysiac said …
I live in hartford area; and my sentiments exactly! Sorry we have no class. amor you Dave! Posted over a year ago
anime-man said …
ilove this show OK YEAH WHAT WHAT WHAT YEAH OK!!!!! Posted over a year ago
trixieKitten said …
Will always amor ya, Dave! <3 Posted over a year ago
PapaMidnight said …
Im Rick James B*tch
Posted over a year ago
whec10 said …
/ Posted over a year ago
whec10 said …
iiii Posted over a year ago
puppylove63 said …
hi Posted over a year ago
big smile
CornChips said …
I amor Dave. He's hilarious lol. Posted over a year ago
puppylove63 commented…
hi over a year ago