oi guys this weeks artical is mermaid cleo. cleo is a mermaid.she has 3 friends named emma, rikkie, and bella. she has a boyfriend named lewis . she has a little sister named kim .cleo lives in australia . cleo and her boyfriend really is somthing because first their together and then their over .cleo boyfriend lewis knew cleo and the girls are mermaid in season 1 episode 2 .cleo did not know how to swim she was scared too.cleo has a rivery or somthing because of this girl named chorlette . cholette has a crazy crush on cleo's ex/boyfriend .chorlette will do anything to destroy cleo . cleo bye .nexts weeks artical is about chorlette.
okay here it goes in season 3 of h20 just add water emma won't be in it because she has to go to new zealend to film a horror movie rikki and cleo will be in season 3 and emma's replacment will be........ indiana evans!!! yay!!!! but i will miss emma alot in h20 just add water season 3 indiana's name is bella and she has been a mermaid ever since the age of 8 and meets rikki and cleo but before that goodbye emma i will never forget you and i'm sure all you emma fãs won't either but i guess bella will be okay