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Butch (Rowdyruff Boys) Pergunta

Do you think Buttercup and Butch will be together in the future?

i think maybe......sometimes u think so and sometimes you dont.....what do YOU think?
 Trina_Toon_Link posted over a year ago
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Butch (Rowdyruff Boys) Respostas

heeeeeeeeeeeey said:
well i dont think but oi what do i know
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 well i dont think but oi what do i know
posted over a year ago 
berserk1 said:
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posted over a year ago 
Greenfan0 said:
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posted over a year ago 
Butch_Jojo said:
Yes... Or no... I dunno! I just read a lot of fanfictions!
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posted over a year ago 
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